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Circle all of the values that make you want to be a part of this organization. Then go back and narrow the list down to your top five values. Then read.

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Presentation on theme: "Circle all of the values that make you want to be a part of this organization. Then go back and narrow the list down to your top five values. Then read."— Presentation transcript:

1 Circle all of the values that make you want to be a part of this organization. Then go back and narrow the list down to your top five values. Then read each of the values aloud to the group and see what values get the most votes. These are your confluent values.

2 How to Use this Values Exercise
Using the “Student Leader Values List” on the next slide, have students circle all of the value words that describe why they want to be involved in your organization. Then, have them narrow the list to their top five values that describe why they want to be involved. Right click on the graph on slide four and select “edit data.” This will launch an excel spreadsheet with each of the values. Read each value out loud and mark the number of votes each one gets in the column marked, “votes.” If a value does not receive any votes, mark zero (“0”). Doing this will produce a graphic representation of the values of the group. Take note of the values with the most votes. These are your “confluent values” ― the strongest shared values of the group. Use these values to guide your decision making and motivate the group.


4 Values Distribution

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