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End of Key Stage One Assessments, May 2015 (known as SATs)

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1 End of Key Stage One Assessments, May 2015 (known as SATs)

2 How will judgements be made about my child`s performance?
All children ‘at the end of Year Two’ are formally assessed to show how they are performing in relation to the national expectations for children of that age. Emphasis is now on teachers` judgement of performance throughout the year. Less emphasis on the `test` giving a finite picture of performance. The tests support the teachers` judgements in Reading, Writing and Mathematics.

3 How will I know how well my child is doing?
Your child will be awarded a level in the following subjects: Speaking and Listening Reading Writing (Includes spelling & handwriting) Mathematics Science

4 How will I know how well my child is doing?
The levels awarded are: Level well above expectations ( Just into Level 3- L3C) Level 2A - above expectations Level 2B - national expectation Level 2C – working towards expectations Level below expectations Level W - working towards level 1 (Reported as a P scale 1-8)

5 The results? Children’s results will be reported individually in end of year reports to parents A general overview of results will be published Results were used to track children’s progress in Key Stage 2. New tests for 2016.

6 What are the tests and tasks like?
There are no formal tests in Speaking & Listening and Science. The levels given are based upon teacher assessment throughout the year. In Reading and Mathematics teachers decide an appropriate level of paper for each child based upon continuous assessment throughout the year (Level 2 or Level 3 paper).

7 What are the tests and tasks like?
Reading Task: Either read an unseen fiction or non-fiction book from a pre-selected choice to the teacher OR Test: Complete written fiction and non-fiction comprehension papers.

8 What are the tests and tasks like?
Writing – prescribed genres Longer piece- Non Chronological report Shorter piece- Character Profile The writing is judged on the ability to structure writing, produce grammatically correct sentences, use interesting vocabulary, punctuate and form letters correctly. Spelling Separate test with mark included in the writing level One level of test for all children

9 What are the tests and tasks like?
Mathematics Papers include oral and written questions Questions are based upon the work covered during the year.

10 How, when and where are the tasks and tests administered?
Tasks and tests will take place throughout April/May. (unlike in Key Stage 2 where they have a set week for the tests) Tests are spaced out Administered individually, in a group or as a class depending on type of test or task. In the classroom or quiet area. Children are familiar with the formats from class work. They usually enjoy the experience.

11 Assessing the outcomes.
Teachers mark the papers. Moderation within school This year there will be moderation by the LA (Trafford) checking teachers judgements. 3 year cycle.

12 Final items. Thank you for support over the year, especially homework.
The best thing for the children is to be relaxed, well rested and in school wherever possible. BBC Bitesize KS1 website Past papers are displayed on the tables for anyone wishing to have a look at some examples.

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