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Welcome Aiming High and Succeeding in Year 8:
Supporting your Child’s Attainment Tuesday 19th September 2017 Ms Honnor Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind “Whole school priorities for raising standards are implemented quickly and consistently by all departments.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Vision Every single student to reach and exceed their potential and leave us with the qualifications, skills and attitudes that they need to move on to the next stage of their lives. Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind “Highly effective leadership has secured rapid improvements in pupils’ progress and attendance.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Welcome Aiming High and Succeeding in Year 8:
Supporting your Child’s Attainment Tuesday 19th September 2017 Mr Hutchings Deputy Headteacher Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind “Whole school priorities for raising standards are implemented quickly and consistently by all departments.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Information and Guidance
Evening plan Introduction Everybody Reads – reading strategy Raising standards across Key stage 3 How parents/carers can help An opportunity to meet with form tutors “Effectiveness of leadership and management : Outstanding.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
What’s different in Year 8 Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Challenging year – last year before GCSE starts Options Support and guidance Opportunity “Leaders have designed a life skills programme that makes a strong contribution to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
The Year ahead Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Event Date
Parent/Carer Homework Workshops Wednesday 27th September 4:00-5:00pm and 6:00-7:00pm Friday 29th September - 10:00-11:00am Open evening Tuesday 26th September 2017 Hatfield House Trip Tuesday 17th October 2017 Tuesday 21st November 2017 Y8 Options Evening Thursday 1st February 2018 Y8 Academic Review Day Wednesday 7th February 2018 Presentation Evening Monday 16th July 2018 Graduation Assembly Thursday 19th July 2018 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind “Teachers set homework regularly.” Ofsted 2016
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Options Students should be thinking about options during the year. This starts in Module 1 Students will not be able to take options that they are not achieving in. English, Maths, Science History/Geography, Language Other Option subjects Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind “Improvements in standards of teaching, learning and assessment have led to a rapid increase in pupils’ outcomes.” Ofsted 2016
A time of change: grades, letters, numbers!
All should aim for a minimum of: GCSE grade 5 and above (GCSE grade C and above) BTEC Merit and above Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind “Pupils respect each other and know how to stay safe.” Ofsted 2016
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Attendance matters An attendance of 90% means one day off every two weeks………….. Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind “Improvements in standards of teaching, learning and assessment have led to a rapid increase in pupils’ outcomes.” Ofsted 2016
Aiming High and Succeeding in Year 8:
Everybody reads… Tuesday 19th September 2017 Ms Moss Lead practitioner for Literacy Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind “Subject leaders are rapidly leading change in the school.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Why reading matters Reading: the next steps supporting higher standards in schools, DFE 2015 1. Nothing is more important in education than ensuring that every child can read well. “Pupils who can read are overwhelmingly more likely to succeed at school, achieve good qualifications.” 2. The best way to promote this development is by instilling in children a passion for reading. “All reading makes a difference, but evidence suggests that reading for pleasure makes the most”. Clark, C and De Zoysa, S. (2011). “Staff are proud to work at the school, and feel very well supported.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Reading is important Reading for pleasure means you are 4x as likely to read above the level expected for their age. Reading outside of class daily means you are 5x as likely to read above the expected level for your age. “Leaders’ monitoring of teaching is highly accurate and effective.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Investing in reading time
10 minutes individual private reading time in English every lesson – 8 out of 10 school days. 20 minutes group reading aloud time in Tutor session every week. 60 minutes per week in school reading time 20 minute unseen reading homework fortnightly. 20 minutes reading per night and a book review each module. “Leaders have raised the achievement of pupils through a programme of substantial monitoring and support.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Investing in reading time Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
“Leaders have raised the achievement of pupils through a programme of substantial monitoring and support.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Bedrock Vocabulary Homework
Alpha test to establish their starting point 3-5 words each 15 minute session 6 different steps Reminder home Demonstration for child 2 x15 minutes per week - SMHW Once your child has undertaken the online Alpha test to establish their starting point, they will be given a block of words to learn. They will be given 3-5 words each 15 minute session to learn. The programme leads them through 6 different steps to make sure the learning is fully embedded. In two weeks time you will receive a letter from me with the login details for the Bedrock programme. Your child will also receive these details and will be given a demonstration of how to follow the very simple steps to complete the 15 minutes of learning. Their English teacher will add the instruction to complete a minimum of 2 x 15 minute sessions per week on Show My Homework. “Staff are proud to work at the school, and feel very well supported.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Supporting reading at home Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
You can encourage reading by providing/directing your child to a wide range of reading material. You can ensure that students undertake the 20 minutes reading a day - that is a standard English homework. You can ensure students complete their reading review in time for Week 6 of every module – this is on Show My Homework. Ensure they complete their unseen reading homework once per fortnight. “Leaders have raised the achievement of pupils through a programme of substantial monitoring and support.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aiming High and Succeeding in Year 8:
Tuesday 19th September 2017 Mr Bannister Assistant Headteacher (KS3) “Leadership of the provision for pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is highly effective.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
KS3 Raising Standards KS4 READY – 4 key areas… Extra curricular studies (homework/revision). Attendance. Attitude to learning. Examination practice. “Safeguarding arrangements are secure. All staff have had anti-radicalisation and extremism training.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
8 week modular cycle There are five 8 week modules a year. Week 6 in every module will be the examination/assessment week. Student ATL, Conduct points and Attendance will be shared with parents every 8 weeks (after completed module), 5 times a year. Progress (1-4 grading system ) against End of Year 11 target will be shared with parents in Module 1, 3 and 5 for Year 7 and 8. “Highly effective leadership has secured rapid improvements in pupils’ progress and attendance.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Modular snapshots Modules 1, 3 and 5 teachers report on students’ progress in their subjects: This is professionally judged against their Year 11 target grade and in line with their progress on the subject specific APP Grids. “Progress of disadvantaged pupils and the most able has improved significantly and is above that of other pupils nationally.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Modular snapshot – your report Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
“Leaders have created a harmonious school community that models their approach to teaching pupils about British values.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Modular snapshots Approach to Learning (ATL) Score is reported every module This is a numerical score between 1-4 And a letter code if below a 3. Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind “The quality of teaching has improved across the whole school.” Ofsted 2016
What is ATL – How will teachers use it? Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
ATL Scoring: A teacher will judge attitude, effort and engagement over the Module for every lesson! “Governance is outstanding. The governing body provide a high level of challenge and support to school leaders.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
What is ATL – How will teachers use it? Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind “The arrangements for safeguarding are highly effective.” Ofsted 2016
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Homework KS3 Homework has changed at Marriotts. It is now focussed on revision and retention of knowledge. Each students have a knowledge booklet Students at Marriotts are expected to independently learn and retain the information in these booklets. This is to help: Build Knowledge Retention Develop Skills Exam Success “Highly effective leadership has secured rapid improvements in pupils’ progress and attendance.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Homework KS3 Teachers will test how much students have learnt and understood through a variety of activities. These may include mini tests, homework activities, worksheets, or essays. To help students succeed there are 5 Key Steps we want to encourage “Highly effective leadership has secured rapid improvements in pupils’ progress and attendance.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Homework and ATL will be graded every module Work marked twice a module “Teachers have been well trained in questioning techniques.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
The Year 8 Team Year Leader –Mr M Whittaker
Key Stage 3 Raising Standards Leader – Mr S Bannister Year Leader –Mr M Whittaker Assistant Year Leader – Miss J Coben Year 8 Form Tutors 8A – Miss C Roney 8E–Mrs K Mclean/Miss N Kasi B – Mr C Packard 8F –Mrs P Jones/Mrs B Radenhausen 8C – Mr G Riley 8G – Miss L Presland 8D –Miss S Baldock 8H – Miss R Christodoulou “Pupils say that when they respond to teachers’ comments, it helps them learn more.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Parents’ Role in Supporting Learning: Attendance
Attending school everyday is crucial to the progress of every student and ensures there are no gaps in learning. Each year exam analysis reflects the importance of attendance. Attendance is tracked daily by our attendance team. Information is shared fortnightly with the local authority. To ensure every student is making adequate progress , we do not authorise term time holidays and strongly urge all dental and medical appointments to be made outside of the school day. Good punctuality ensures key messages and learning activities are accessed by every student. ATTEND TO ATTAIN! “Teachers use their thorough subject knowledge to plan learning that meets the needs of all groups of pupils.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Parents’ Role in Supporting Learning: Healthy Eating
Supporting your child at home by providing them with a healthy diet. Water – our brains work best with 6-8 glasses of water instead of fizzy or energy drinks. Fresh air, exercise, and most importantly plenty of sleep! “The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Parents’ Role in Supporting Learning: Study Routine
Study routine – Short bursts of study (30-40 minutes) Motivate the student by setting targets and rewards at home to help keep them driven to succeed. Mobile phones, TV, Tablets are not great to revise with as they are a distraction. Please support us in limiting students ‘screen time’ “Pupils feel extremely safe and very well looked after by the school’s staff.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Students should stay in the hall Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Thank you 8A – Miss C Roney (E3) 8E – Miss K Mclean/ Miss N Kazi (E7) 8B – Mr C Packard (E6) 8F – Mrs B Radenhausen (E4) 8C – Mr G Reilly (E5) 8G – Miss L Presland (IT1) 8D –Miss S Baldock (E1) 8H – Miss R Christodoulou (E8) Mr Whittaker and members of the Senior Team will be available on both corridors to help with any questions or queries. If you wish to speak to a member of the SEND team they will be positioned in the Library to answer any queries. SMHW will be available on the ground floor computer hub for demonstrations. All Tutors to take their form parents to their designated areas. Students should stay in the hall “The value of tolerance permeates all aspects of school life, creating a harmonious and inclusive community.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
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