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The role of ROOT in the BFEM Event Display

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Presentation on theme: "The role of ROOT in the BFEM Event Display"— Presentation transcript:

1 The role of ROOT in the BFEM Event Display
N.Lumb I.N.F.N.- Pisa GRUG VRVS meeting,

2 Status of the BFEM Event Display
Transition from interpreted to compiled code Complete re-think of program design Largely transparent to the user, except: Faster More robust (hopefully – still a few bugs!) Easier for us to maintain First release today Runs under Linux ONLY! GRUG VRVS meeting,

3 Program Structure main EDControl EDHistos EDGui DisplayCanvas
EDAnalysis TkrDisplay CALDisplay ACDDisplay GRUG VRVS meeting,

4 Event Display main classes
EDControl EDGui DisplayCanvas EDAnalysis TkrDisplay CALDisplay ACDDisplay Main: ROOT set-up, starts overall control and Cint session (TRint) EDControl: file management (Tfile), event control, response to GUI commands, overall control of display (using Tcanvas) and analysis EDGui: Draws GUI using ROOT GUI classes (TFrame, TGButton, TGMenuBar, etc. Responds to GUI events via ROOT ProcessMessage method DisplayCanvas: gets one event from file and displays on the canvas. Controls display sub-classes (TkrDisplay, etc.) Intensive use of TShape and TNode. EDAnalysis: Analysis of raw data and display via EDHistos class. GRUG VRVS meeting,

5 TGMainFrame TGMenuBar TGGroupFrame TGTextEntry TGButton TGFileDialog
GRUG VRVS meeting,

6 Re-design of GUI, e.g. simpler event selection using TGSlideBar
Future plans Re-design of GUI, e.g. simpler event selection using TGSlideBar Port to Windows – create ROOT shared library? Support of XML detector geometry files. GRUG VRVS meeting,

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