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The Ventilatory and Cardiovascular Systems

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1 The Ventilatory and Cardiovascular Systems
Exercise Physiology The Ventilatory and Cardiovascular Systems

2 I. Structure of the Ventilatory System
A. Conducting Airways: *offers a low resistance pathway for air flow *warms and moistens air *mucus and ciliated cells filter air

3 II. Pulmonary Ventilation: the exchange of air between the atmosphere and lungs.
A. Mechanics of Breathing: 1. Inhalation: *diaphragm contracts and lowers *chest cavity expands increasing volume and decreasing internal air pressure

4 2. Exhalation: *Diaphragm relaxes and moves up.
*chest cavity volume decreases and internal air pressure increases. *during exercise the intercostal and abdominal muscles act on the ribs to produce greater exhalation

5 III. Total Lung Capacity: (TLC) maximum volume of lungs after maximum inhalation (vital capacity + residual vol.). Tidal Vol.: (TV) volume inspired or expired per breath. Inspiratory Reserve Vol.: max. inspiration at the end of tidal inspiration (Vital cap.= TV+IRV+ERV)

6 C. Expiratory Reserve Vol. : max
C. Expiratory Reserve Vol.: max. expiration at the end of tidal expiration. D. Residual Vol.: (RV) volume in lungs after maximum expiration.

7 IV. CO2 transport in the blood:
Dissolved directly in plasma Bound to hemoglobin (carbamino compunds) As bicarbonate HCO3

8 D. What’s the role of CO2 in the control of pulmonary ventilation during exercise?
*dissociation of carbonic acid increases H+ in blood lowering pH. *the medulla senses the low pH and sends signals to the diaphragm and intercostal muscles.

9 V. Oxygen Transport in the Blood:
Hemoglobin: (Hb) iron containing pigment that binds with oxygen to form oxyhemoglobin. Hb + 4 O Hb4O8

10 VI. Gas Exchange in the lungs:
Alveoli: thin membrane sacs at the end of the bronchioles. *serve as the site of gas exchange by diffusion.

11 VII. Blood: transport vehicle for nutrients, hormones, waste products and electrolytes.
1. Blood Composition: A. Cellular: i. erythrocytes: (RBC’s) Contain hemoglobin that binds to oxygen for transport to tissues.

12 ii. Leukocytes: (WBC’s) defend the body against disease.
*produce antibodies *destroy bacteria and viruses *produce marker proteins

13 iii. Platelets: (thrombocytes) play a role in the clotting of blood.

14 B. Liquid Component: i. Plasma: 60% total volume of blood. 90% water and 10% solutes Metabolites and wastes (gases, hormones, vitamins) Salts (ions) Plasma proteins

15 VII. Anatomy of the Heart

16 A. Heart Rate: is regulated by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors.
Intrinsic regulation: a. sinoatrial (S-A) node: a mass of specialized cardiac muscle located on the exterior wall of the right atrium. Initiates the electrical impulse.

17 b. Atrioventricular (A-V) node: receives impulse from the S-A node and delays it about .10 sec. for atrial contraction. c. A-V Bundle of His: speeds the impulse over the ventricles to the Purkinje system causing simultaneous contraction of the ventricles.

18 ii. Extrinsic Regulation: the autonomic nervous system can override the myocardial rhythm.
Sympathetic Influence: epinephrine is released when stimulated causing heart rate to increase. Parasympathetic Inf: releases acetylcholine to slow heart rate.

19 B. Circulation of Blood:
i. Pulmonary Circulation: deoxygenated blood is pumped from the right side of the heart through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs. Oxygenated blood is returned by the pulmonary veins.

20 ii. Systemic Circulation: oxygen rich blood is pumped from the left side of the heart through the aorta to the rest of the body.

21 iii. Cardiac Output: the volume of blood pumped by the heart in one minute. Equal to stroke vol. x heart rate. Stroke Vol.: the volume of blood pumped by one ventricle with each beat. Approx. 70 ml. Stroke vol.=EDV-ESV

22 iv. Cardiovascular Drift: an increase in heart rate during steady exercise due to a reduction in stroke volume. Caused by: *exercising in heat *rise in core temp. *decrease in plasma vol.

23 C. Blood Pressure: the pressure exerted on the walls of the arterial system.
Systole: highest pressure generated by the left ventricular contraction. Approx. 120 mm Hg at rest. Diastole: the pressure generated when the heart relaxes. Approx mm Hg.

24 iii. Blood Pressure Response to Exercise:
Dynamic Exercise: systolic pressure increases with intensity with relatively little change in diastolic pressure. Ex. Walking, jogging, swimming, cycling.

25 b. Static Exercise: heavy resistance training increases blood pressure due to muscular contractions compressing peripheral arteries. Ex. Weightlifting, isometrics

26 iv. Distribution of Blood
Rest (cardiac output 5,000 ml) *liver = 1350 ml *kidneys = 1100 ml *muscle = 1000 ml *brain = 700 ml *skin = 300 ml *heart = 200 ml Exercise (cardiac output 25,000 ml) *liver = 500 ml *kidneys = 250 ml *muscle = 21,000 ml *brain = 900 ml *skin = 600 ml *heart = 1000 ml



29 v. Cardiovascular Adaptations to Exercise:
Lower resting heart rate. Increased left ventricular volume. Increased stroke vol. and cardiac output. Capillarization: increase in capillary surface area in muscles. Greater arteriovenous oxygen diff. (a-vO2)

30 D. Maximal Oxygen Consumption: (VO2) refers to the maximum amt
D. Maximal Oxygen Consumption: (VO2) refers to the maximum amt. of O2 that an individual can utilize during maximal training. *measured as ml of O2 used in one minute per Kg of body weight. (ml Kg-1 min-1)




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