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WebCSA Waterloo Information Systems Limited presents

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1 WebCSA Waterloo Information Systems Limited presents
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2 User Commands WISL Demos use standard Microsoft PowerPoint commands, such as the following : Left Click , space, N, Down Arrow Next Slide Previous Slide End Demo Pause or Resume Demo Restart entire Demo Shows the mouse pointer Right Click , Backspace, Up Arrow Escape Key, Minus Key (-), Ctl+Break S or Plus Key (+) Left and Right Click together for 2+ seconds Move mouse for 2 seconds Left Click to Continue

3 WebCSA WebCSA makes the historical shipment data base available to a browser based inquiry facility to enable comparative analysis between and within fiscal years by carrier on the basis of city and or corporate division.

4 Several report formats are offered
Several report formats are offered. Included is the flexibility to sort on any of the columns of displayed attributes and to drill down to a list of shipment transactions(by city or corporate division) and from there to the detail of an individual shipment. Left Click to Continue

5 WebSSA Demonstration Menu
Type ”3” <Enter> To Restart WebCSA Overview Type “6” <Enter> To Start Sample WebCSA Session “ESC” To Exit Left Click to Continue

6 WISL WebCSA Sample Session
The following slides constitute a sample WebCSA inquiry session. Left Click to Continue

7 WebCSA Demonstration The desired carrier is selected from the dropdown list. Left Click to Continue

8 WebCSA Demonstration The desired report format is selected from the drop down list. Left Click to Continue

9 WebCSA Demonstration The direction of the desired shipments must be specified(Inbound is selected for this example).This report requires specification of only the start month. In this example January 2002 is selected. The “Execute Report” button is then clicked to initiate generation of the report. Left Click to Continue

10 WebCSA Demonstration Totals for the chosen fiscal month are displayed on the left side of the page with the corresponding detail listed by city below. Figures for the corresponding month of the previous fiscal year are displayed on the right side of the page. Subtotals by Bill Type are listed below on colour coded lines Left Click to Continue

11 WebCSA Demonstration The report may be re-sorted by any of the attributes by clicking on the desired column heading. In this example the report has been sorted by the weight. Left Click to Continue

12 WebCSA Demonstration The report may also be re-sorted by any column attribute on the previous fiscal year side by clicking on the desired column heading. Left Click to Continue

13 WebCSA Demonstration Regardless of which side of the report is sorted the matching city/bill type values are displayed side by side to facilitate comparison. Note also that the Bill Type is colour coded on the detail lines to match the corresponding subtotal. Left Click to Continue

14 WebCSA Demonstration Navigation facilities at the bottom of the page provide for moving between report pages via page numbers or forward and back buttons. Left Click to Continue

15 WebCSA Demonstration Clicking on the city or corporate division hyperlink drills down to generate a report of all shipments which contain the specified city or corporate division. Left Click to Continue

16 WebCSA Demonstration Cross summaries may be generated from this screen by customer, date or bill type. e.g. by selecting the appropriate customer from the drop down list a listing and summary will be presented for only that customer. Left Click to Continue

17 WebCSA Demonstration This facility is also available for locations from the Fiscal Month(By Corporate Division) report. Left Click to Continue

18 WebCSA Demonstration This shipment list report may also be re-sorted by the values in any of the columns and by clicking on the City/Corporate Division hyperlink you may drill down to the detail of the specific shipment. Left Click to Continue

19 WebCSA Demonstration Clicking on the City/Corporate Division hyperlink in the shipment list will drill down to display any detail available. Left Click to Continue

20 WebCSA Demonstration A second report format shown here provides comparison between a specified fiscal month and the corresponding fiscal year to date. This reporting may also be done by city or corporate division. All of the reporting capabilities demonstrated for the first report format are also available for this format except the drill down feature. Left Click to Continue

21 WebCSA Demonstration A third report format shown here provides comparison between a specified range of fiscal months and the corresponding range of fiscal months from a specified previous year. This reporting may also be done by city or corporate division. All of the reporting capabilities demonstrated for the first report format are also available for this format except the drill down feature. Left Click to Continue

22 WebCSA Demonstration Passing the cursor over the total figures below the column headings results in a display of the absolute and percentage difference between the total in the selected column and the corresponding total on the other side of the page. This feature displays the percentage that the selected month represents of the year to date for the year to date reports. Left Click to Continue

23 WebCSA Demonstration Record selection may be performed in several ways. A list of cities, a list of corporate divisions, a specific BOL ID or Bill Type may be specified. Any city(with optional specification of state/province following a space) or corporate division that includes the string specified will be selected(string search with multiples separated by commas) but the BOL must match the specification exactly. The first three selecting mechanisms may not be used together. In this example all records are selected that contain the string “Ham” in the city description or the string “Bra” in the city description with a province of “ON”. Left Click to Continue

24 WebCSA Demonstration Specifying a PROBILL ID results in direct display of the PROBILL detail as in the next slide. Left Click to Continue

25 WebCSA Demonstration An export capability generates a flat file with a record for each detail line in any selected report. A tab character serves as the delimiter between each column of the report. A file name is prompted upon depressing the “Export” button. Left Click to Continue

26 WebCSA Demonstration A message is displayed upon completion of the export. Left Click to Continue

27 WebCSA Demonstration The generated flat file may be imported to any processor on the desktop. Left Click to Continue

28 WebCSA Demonstration This is an example of the sample export file imported into Microsoft EXCEL. Left Click to Continue

29 The End For Further Information, contact
Waterloo Information Systems Limited 33 Dupont Street East Waterloo Ontario N2J 2G8 (519)  To Restart the Demo, type “1” <Enter>, or Double-click and Hold for 2 Seconds Left Click to Exit

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