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@alba.monedero MCDEM La Salle Barcelona

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2 @alba.monedero MCDEM La Salle Barcelona

3 THE PLAYER SCREEN Screen to follow the progress of the player and, at the same time, they can view stats and other results from peers connected to the same network. In this screen they will have to choose their avatar, related to the profession they would like to follow the path. The avatar will appear bare from any features, which will be added along the levels gathered. The avatar will not only build its own “life” (uni, starting a new job, getting a house, marry, etc), but all of them will be reflected in a multiplayer screen. This is where all the other gamers of the network will fund a new city, built by the students thanks to their improvements along the game.

4 REWARDS PANEL The players will be gathering points for surpassing the exercises, but at the end of each level, they will have gained rewards to improve the performance of their avatars. They could choose which path or another to follow among some options given by default, to grow on every step of life. There will be a sort of guidance with recommendation about which path to choose, where the system gives hints for a better future of the avatar. There can be the risk for not taking a good option, but they won’t be able to arrive to some of the goals on the highest level. There will be also a complementary data about the profession chosen, and also some messages to motivate the resilience and enthusiasm towards the game.

5 ANIMATION SCREEN  The first screen on all levels will be an animation where the player has to make the test to gather points to have more opportunities during the next drills. The animation will have to be related to the subject chosen (EX: Maths, Science, English), and it will focus in a specific word cluster (EX: Maths – equations / English – parts of the speech). The words will be explained with an story animation, in which the meanings will be displayed in its real life environment. It will be a way to reinforce the learning by introducing them in a real-life scenario , where they can see how the material learnt can perform in reality.

6 ANIMATION SCREEN  During the animation there will be displayed different kinds of tests, where the player quickly review what just learned. He or she will have to surpass them in order to gain points for being able to survive in the next screens. If they lose all their points, the players will have to repeat the first screen again. However, the animation will be open to review at any time of the game, as well as any of the other tests if the player wants to practice the vocabulary. Once they have passed the screen, and gain points to have more life on the next games, the words that are mean to be learnt for each level, will appear with its definition close to the elements to have a visual recognition. For EAL there will be an option to be read in their language.

DRILL AREA Once they have tasted a bit of the CALP vocabulary, they will have to practice with a series of exercises based on classic word games HANGMAN, VISUAL CARDS, SCRABBLE, CROSSWORDS The games will be independently from the level, the player could chose them in any stage, repeat them in any moment with no relation to the rewarding system, but just for practising. There will be two mode of playing: competition and practice.

8 DRILL AREA During the exercises, besides the definition, there will also be another resources (graphic, external info, etc), to reinforce the visualization of the concept. It would be linked to the first interactive screen. The player won’t be able to access to the next level until he has not reach a minimum in the drill exercises.

9 ASSESTMENT SCREEN Every three screens, the player will have a major assessment in order to surpass to the next level. The test can be to pass the interactive screens again, this time with no mistakes, and filling up the definitions of the words learned. There could be fill in blanks too.

10 Principles of GAME based LEARNING

11 Relate to prior interests of the learner: focus on their personal life
Provide opportunities to learners to make decisions Exposition: creating stories in where the players feel to be involve

12 MULTIPLAYER PLATFORM Sense of mastery: specialization for virtuosity
Encourage social interaction between learners: game linked to social platforms to follow up progression and share tips Possibility of choice: player feels the power to decide. Sense of mastery: specialization for virtuosity Competition and status Possibility of choice: player feels the power to decide. Have clear and meaningful goals: the children visualize the aim of their learning.

13 Intrinsic motivation: Use of fantasy and narrative for engaging content.
Self-reliance and Autonomy: encourages independent exploration Self-reliance and Autonomy: encourages independent exploration Authenticity: contextual skills in learning processes, grounded in practices that can be roles and endeavors. Authenticity: contextual skills in learning processes, grounded in practices that can be roles and endeavors. Intrinsic motivation: Use of fantasy and narrative for engaging content. Self-reliance and Autonomy: encourages independent exploration Experimental learning: simulation for a learning by doing Experimental learning: simulation for a learning by doing

14 Concentration: the countdown of the test help players to focus on the words learned
Challenge: increasing levels of difficulty to not overwhelming the player Freedom of failure: let the player to repeat and review their learning at any time

15 Progression and self learning: the players will have the opportunity to repeat the test and do the assessments as many times as they like Progression and self learning: the players will have the opportunity to repeat the test and do the assessments as many times as they like.

16 Sense of mastery: specialization for virtuosity
Provide immediate feedback: reinforcement of the definitions in every of the games

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