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Digital Mentoring and CALL

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1 Digital Mentoring and CALL
Peter Gobel, Kyoto Sangyo University

2 Mentor trusted friend (usually more experienced) counselor teacher

3 famous Mentoring Relationships
Mentor Telemachus Freddie Laker Richard Branson (Virgin) Aristotle Alexander the Great J. C. Bach Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

4 Obi-wan Kenobe Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)

5 Kinds of mentoring formal vs. informal new-hire mentorship on-site
student mentorship social mentorship peer mentoring group mentoring on-site on-line (usually digital) blended

6 Three models for mentoring
controlling vs. directing guide and supporter empathy interaction more peer related cloning model nurturing model friendship model

7 advantages of peer mentoring
helps new students adapt faster less threatening connected to a larger community


9 job-related

10 community related

11 technology related

12 social related

13 How can we adapt this model to EFL?
project and task-based work social/communication tool goal setting and structure engagers and catalysts for action

14 adapting mentoring to call
technical help and training creating community in and out of the classroom motivation

15 Thank You

16 some references Wang, C. & Reeves, T. (2004). Cultural Considerations in Online Education: A Review of the Literature. In Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2004 (pp ). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Buerger, R., Kiefer, R., Herstine, J. & Hill, J. (1999). Digital Mentoring in Virtual Environments: A Case Study in Coastal Science Education. In Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematics / Science Education and Technology, Bennets, C. (2003). Mentoring youth: trend and tradition. Journal of Guidance & Counselling, Vol. 31, 1. Buel, C. (2004). Models of Mentoring in Communication. Communication Education Vol. 53, No. 1, 56–73.

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