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Why are enzymes important to living things?

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Presentation on theme: "Why are enzymes important to living things?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why are enzymes important to living things?

2 Check your neighbor An enzyme is made from which of the following biomolecules? Carbohydrate Lipid Protein Nucleic Acid

3 What Happens When Matter Changes?
Energy is the ability to change or move matter Type of Change Description Examples Chemical Change AKA Chemical Reaction A substance changes into another substance Burning wood, cooking food, rust, Physical Change Only the form of the substance changes Melting ice, boiling water, chopping wood, dissolving salt in water, watermelon drop

4 Exit Ticket Describe the difference between a physical change and a chemical change and give one example of each.

5 What is a Chemical Reaction?
A chemical change Reactants  Products CO2 + H2O  C6H12O6 + O2 Reactants- substance(s) that are changed Products- the new substances that are formed  means changes or forms (yields)

6 Law of Conservation of Matter
Matter cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction Equations must be balanced, has the same number of each element on side of the equation. EX. Mg + O2  MgO

7 CH4 + O2  CO2 + H2O Exit ticket
What are the reactants and products in this equation? Is it balanced? CH4 + O2  CO2 + H2O

8 What is a Chemical Reaction?
Metabolism – total of all chemical reactions that occur in an organism Energy is released (exothermic) from these reactions & or taken in (endothermic) Activation Energy - amount needed for a reaction to occur Types of Reactions in Organisms Synthesis “building up” Decomposition “Breaking-down”

9 What is an Enzyme & how do they promote reactions?
Catalyst- reduce the amount of energy needed for a reaction Enzyme – a protein that acts as a catalyst in two ways 1. lowers activation energy needed 2. binds reactants together Active Site – place where reactant can bind Substrates – substances (reactants) that can bind to a specific enzyme

10 Exit Ticket Summarize what you learned about enzymes.
Include: What are they? What do they do? Why are they important to living things?

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