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The Effect of Darwinism on Modern Medicine

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1 The Effect of Darwinism on Modern Medicine
Jonathan L. Grantham, M.D.

2 Hippocratic Oath I swear by Apollo Physician and Aesclepius and Hygieia and Panacea and all the gods and goddesses…that I will fulfill this oath and covenant. – Classical Version I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant. – Modern Version Early medicine linked spirituality and healing Darwinian theory led to science supplanting spirituality While generally positive, Darwinism has had some serious negative effects on medicine

3 Vestigial Organs Functionless and generally reduced in size but bears some resemblance to the corresponding fully functioning organs found in related organisms. Originally felt to be 180 vestigial organs in humans Best known – appendix All structures in the body serve a purpose Usually no problems with removal due to duplication of function

4 Meniscus C-shaped cartilage, medial and lateral
Decreases knee joint forces 50-90%

5 Meniscectomy 20% of meniscectomy patients develop severe OA in 3 years
100% symptomatic at 20 years

6 Medicine and Spirituality
Initially, responsibility for spiritual and physical health linked Christian concept, agape love, became the defining principle for the doctor/patient relationship world.

7 Medicine and Spirituality
Age of Reason – science removed mystery of physical world Darwinism provided alternative theory to God as creator Medicine gradually became more sterile – knowledge emphasized, compassion de-emphasized

8 Medicine and Spirituality
Positive link between faith and good health Reduced mortality among churchgoers Medical schools re-emphasizing spirituality I.1200 studies including large meta-analysis : positive health benefit 75-90% of the time II. 25% reduction in mortality rates in churchgoers controlling for all other variables III. Over ½ of med schools offer courses on spirituality IV. Spirituality now a nursing diagnosis

9 Social Darwinism Limiting reproduction to those with “desirable” characteristics to achieve a superior society. Dr. Jost –1895. Published The Right to Death arguing for “mercy killings” for terminal patients. Mentally Incompetent – right to decide reverted to the state Incurability was sufficient for death

10 Social Darwinism Wanted to achieve “Master Race”
Used economic conditions to justify compulsory sterilization Ultimately became precursor of Holocaust Initially sterilized those with schizophrenia and mental retardation Changed definition of mental illness to include “difficulty assimilating” 60% of population diagnosed with mental illness Sterilization became elimination, with police rounding up and delivering “patients” to special faciliti 350K German citizens killed between 1934 and 1939

11 Conclusion

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