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Case Presentation NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY (NESIR) Sept 12th, 2016 Department of Interventional Radiology Harshna Vadvala, MD Steven.

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1 Case Presentation NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY (NESIR) Sept 12th, 2016 Department of Interventional Radiology Harshna Vadvala, MD Steven Dawson, MD Peter Mueller, MD

2 Case 38 y.o. female presented to MGH ED with 10/10 right sided abdominal pain since 3 AM that morning. Complaint of increased non-foul- smelling vaginal discharge. PMH – GYN: amenorrhea to oligomenorrhea. No h/o STI or PID. Sexually inactive for 1 year. Vitals: BP 105/66 mm Hg, HR 88 bpm, T 98.3 F. Physical exam: Abdomen- RLQ palpable mass, + tender and + guarding. No rebound. Labs: WBC 14.

3 Question: 1 38 yo F, G0, presents to the ED with RLQ pain. Per abdomen exam revealed palpable mass with tenderness and guarding. WBC 14. BP 105/66 mm Hg. T-98.3 F. What is the next step ? US CT abdomen-pelvis with contrast MRI Surgical exploration

4 Answer: 1 38 yo F, G0, presents to the ED with RLQ pain. Per abdomen exam revealed palpable mass with tenderness and guarding. WBC 14. BP 105/66 mm Hg. T-98.3 F. What is the next step ? US CT abdomen-pelvis with contrast MRI Surgical exploration

5 CT scan with contrast

6 CT scan with contrast

7 Question: 2 CT scan showed 8 cm right tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA) and a mullerian duct anomaly (MDA). Which type of MDA was detected ? Type II B- Unicornuate non communicating Type IV- Bicornuate Type V A- Septate complete Type III- Didelphus

8 Answer: 2 CT scan showed 8 cm right tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA) and a mullerian duct anomaly (MDA). Which type of MDA was detected ? Type II B- unicornuate non communicating Type IV- Bicornuate Type V A- Septate complete Type III- Didelphus

9 The American Fertility Society Classification of Mullerian Anomalies

10 Question: 3 Which of the following is not associated with Mullerian duct anomalies ? Renal agenesis Duplex kidney Congenital megaureter Crossed fuse renal ectopia

11 Answer: 3 Which of the following is not associated with Mullerian duct anomalies ? Renal agenesis Duplex kidney Congenital megaureter Crossed fuse renal ectopia

12 Question: 4 How will you manage the right TOA ? US guided aspiration
US guided drain placement CT guided aspiration CT guided drain placement

13 Question: 4 How will you manage the right TOA ? US guided aspiration
US guided drain placement CT guided aspiration CT guided drain placement

14 CT guided Right TOA drain placement
8 Fr Dawson-Mueller in right TOA using tandem trocar technique. Drained 20 cc greenish pus.

15 Management and Follow-up
Interim management Cefoxitin, Doxycycline and Flagyl IV Follow up WBC downtrending: 10 (12)(15)(18) Micro: negative for aerobic, anerobic, fungal and mycobacterial organism Bloor culture: negative over 5 days

16 Question: 5 S/p IR drain in right TOA with reduced RLQ pain. Persistent endocervical abscess. WBC 15(14). BP 105/66 mm Hg. T- 101 (98.3) F. What is the next best step ? MRI Laproscopy Exam under anesthesia (EUA) & Per vaginal drainage Dilatation & curettage (D & C)

17 Answer: 5 S/p IR drain in right TOA with reduced RLQ pain. Persistent endocervical abscess. WBC 15(14). BP 105/66 mm Hg. T- 101 (98.3) F. What is the next best step ? MRI Laproscopy Exam under anesthesia (EUA) & Per vaginal drainage Dilatation & curettage (D & C)

18 Post contrast T2 sag Post contrast Post contrast

19 Restricted on DWI - abscesses
ADC Right tubo-ovarian absces Endocervical abscess

20 Endometriosis T1 axial T2 axial: Shading sign

21 Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich (HWW) syndrome
Introduction: Mullerian duct anomalies (MDA) - prevalence of 2% to 3%, incidence of 1/ among fertile women. Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich (HWW) syndrome, is a rare anomaly characterized by a triad - didelphys uterus (Type III MDA) , obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal agenesis AKA- Obstructed Hemivagina and Ipsilateral Renal Anomaly (OHVIRA) Clinical presentation: Usually after menarche with pelvic pain due to the obstructed hemivagina. There may be a palpable pelvic mass.

22 Illustration Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome (C) Drawing illustrates the triad. A 15-years-old girl presenting the triad of didelphys uterus (class III MDA), an obstructed right hemivagina (class I MDA), and ipsilateral renal agenesis. (A) Axial turbo spin-echo T2 weighted MR image (B) Axial turbo spin-echo T1 fat-saturated weighted MR image showing centrally a wide hematocolpos (asterisk), corresponding to the obstructed right hemivagina. On the left side the uterus normally communicating with non-obstructed hemivagina. Herlyn-werner-wunderlich syndrome: MRI findings, radiological guide (two cases and literature review), and differential diagnosis. Del Vescovo R et al. BMC 2012.

23 EUA and per vaginal drainage
Only 1 cervix was visualized along with a right side bulge US guided needle drainage - 22 gauge spinal aspiration through the vaginal epithelium at 7 o'clock from the visualized cervix toward the visualized pelvic collection. Total 8cc of purulent fluid drained.

24 Question: 6 Which of the following is not usually a laproscopic treatment for Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich (HWW) syndrome ? Drainage of hematocolpos/hematometrocolpos Hemihysterectomy Septectomy Marsupialization of the blind hemivagina

25 Question: 6 Which of the following is not usually a laproscopic treatment for Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich (HWW) syndrome ? Drainage of hematocolpos/hematometrocolpos Hemihysterectomy - preserve the obstructed uterus as there is equal chances of pregnancy Septectomy Marsupialization of the blind hemivagina

26 Role of IR in Mullerian duct anomalies
In adjunct to hysteroscopy: otherwise limited role. In the case of a failed laparoscopic-assisted resection of a unicornuate non-communicating horn- US-guided tract dilatation. Asherman syndrome - where dense synechiae obstruct access to the tubal ostium, a wire can be inserted transvaginally into the fallopian tube to safely direct the hysteroscopic dissection. Cervical stenosis- an ultrasound-guided puncture into an occluded endocervical canal followed by balloon catheter angioplasty where standard attempts at cervical dilatation are unsuccessful. Müllerian duct anomalies: from diagnosis to intervention. Chandler TM et al. Br J Radiology Dec.

27 Type II B Bicornuate non communicating horn
A 22-year-old with intense menstrual pain. (a) Hysterosalpingogram reveals filling of the left horn (arrow) but not the obstructed right horn of unicornuate uterus. (b & c) Intraoperative ultrasound-guided needle is advanced into the cavity and dilatation of the tract is performed. a. b. c. Müllerian duct anomalies: from diagnosis to intervention. Chandler TM et al. Br J Radiology Dec.

28 References Mullerian duct anomalies: imaging and clinical issues. Troiano RN et al. Radiology Oct;233(1): Epub 2004 Aug 18. Herlyn-werner-wunderlich syndrome: MRI findings, radiological guide (two cases and literature review), and differential diagnosis. Riccardo Del Vescovo,1 et al. BMC Med Imaging. 2012; 12: Mar 9. doi: / Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome: uterus didelphys, blind hemivagina and ipsilateral renal agenesis. Sonographic and MR findings in 11 cases. Orazi C1, et al. Pediatr Radiol Jul;37(7): Epub 2007 May 15. Case 94: Uterus didelphys with obstructing hemivaginal septum and ipsilateral renal agenesis. Madureira AJ et al. Pediatr Radiol Jul;37(7): Epub 2007 May 15. Uterus didelphys associated with obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal agenesis: MR findings in seven cases. Tanaka YO et al. Abdom Imaging Jul-Aug;23(4): Successful pregnancy following surgery in the obstructed uterus in a uterus didelphys with unilateral distal vaginal agenesis and ipsilateral renal agenesis: case report and literature review. Altchek A et al. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol Oct Herlyn–Werner–Wunderlich syndrome presenting with infertility: Role of MRI in diagnosis. Zohra Ahmad et al. Indian J Radiol Imaging Jul-Sep; 23(3): 243–246.


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