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End of the Cold War.

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1 End of the Cold War

2 Learning Targets Explain events leading to the end of the Cold War
Compare and contrast Cold War threats to nuclear threat today

3 Plan Notes, video clips and discussion on End of Cold War
Notes, video clip and discussion on Nuclear Threat Today Reading on Nuclear Threat Today Reflection questions

4 End of the Cold War 1972: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)
Limited long-range nukes of U.S. and S. U. Began “détente”—easing of tensions 1979: Soviets invade Afghanistan Carter responds by boycotting Olympics Détente over 1980: Reagan Doctrine Tried to stop communism in Latin America

5 White Board Moment!! If you were an Olympic athlete that qualified for the 1980 Summer Olympics, what sport would it be for? As an athlete, would you support the boycott or not? Why?

6 1983: Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
“Star Wars”—never worked 1985: Gorbachev leader of S.U. “perestroika”-political/economic reforms “glastnost”-openness 1987: Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty First time nukes eliminated M.A.D.: Mutually Assured Destruction Prevented nuclear war throughout 1989: Fall of Berlin Wall and collapse of communism Cold War over


8 White Board Moment. Yay. What was the biggest reason for the end of the Cold War? Why?

9 Nuclear Arms Today START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) New START
1991 between U.S. and Russia Largest in history New START April 2010 Limits more weapons with goal of elimination Threat Today Nuclear proliferation, rogue states, terrorists

10 Reflection Questions What was the threat during the Cold War? Explain.
What is the threat today? Explain. Which do you believe is the greater threat? Why? What do you think the United States should do regarding the nuclear threat today? Write a detailed plan.

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