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Daniel Ayalew Ali, Klaus Deininger

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1 Property Tax in Kigali: Using Satellite Imagery to Assess Collection Potential
Daniel Ayalew Ali, Klaus Deininger Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 23 March 2017

2 Background More than 98% of the land in Rwanda is held under a leasehold system agricultural parcels less than 2 ha are exempted from paying lease fees But collection even in Kigali city is very low 60% of the parcels (99% of the agricultural parcels) in Kigali city are exempted from paying lease fees only 30% of the residential parcels in Kigali city paid lease fees in 2015 ($2.2 million out of a potential of $8.5 million was collected in 2015 Rwanda has now prepared a draft property tax law to broaden the tax base promote efficient land use Despite the apparent move towards a value based taxation system, property valuation methodology has yet to be developed

3 Objective Explore the potential of combining land administration and remote sensing data for the purpose of mass valuation of properties in Kigali city The LAIS contains spatial and textual data of all the parcels in Rwanda Parcel (size, land use) and owner characteristics Registration of sales transactions with prices (e.g., 24,894 residential sales were recorded in Kigali city during period) Pleiades Tri-Stero Satellite imagery (0.5 m resolution) to generate building heights and floor area

4 Extent of area of interest (340 Sq KM)
Building heights extracted from high-resolution 3D satellite images – due to budget constraint look at only central Kigali (covering almost all of urban Kigali and a small area of rural Kigali); filtering out vegetation… Important: most lease rent paying residential land; sales activities Accuracy??? Digital surface model, Digital terrain model sq km (coverage)

5 The height information derived from this satellite dataset has some limitations (for instance in steep areas, small and low height buildings (e.g. might be covered by trees) as well as highly dense areas).  Trees are filtered out using NDVI


7 Limitations The accuracy of the derived product depends of the resolution of the imagery Irrespective of the resolution, there are some other sources of errors trees (can be filtered out using NDVI) buildings located in steep areas small and low height buildings (e.g., might be covered by trees) as well as highly dense areas) Ground truthing would help to accurately estimate the margin of error

8 Sales price = f(parcel characteristics, building characteristics,
Estimate a hedonic property price function for residential parcels in Kigali city Sales price = f(parcel characteristics, building characteristics, community characteristics) Actual sales prices (LAIS) Parcel/building characteristics parcel size (LAIS) location of the parcel, i.e. latitude and longitude (LAIS) distance to schools and tarred road (LAIS + NISR) volume of buildings, i.e. height X floor area (imagery) Community characteristics total area of residential land at the village level (LAIS) distance of the village from the CBD number of workers hired by establishments in the cell (NISR est. census) share of urban population at the sector level (RISR population census) Density of built up area, mean and sd of building heights at the village level (imagery)

9 Hedonic price function: Dependent variable: log(property price in US$)
(1) (2) (3) (4) Log of parcel area in sqm 0.643*** 0.588*** 0.417*** 0.401*** (0.091) (0.090) (0.110) (0.109) Log distance from the village to the CBD in km -0.369*** -0.084 -0.354*** -0.207*** (0.103) (0.083) (0.072) (0.074) Log number of workers at the cell level in 2014 0.236*** 0.126*** 0.029 0.003 (0.037) (0.035) (0.036) Ratio of urban population at the sector level 0.870*** 0.480*** 0.378*** 0.251*** (0.140) (0.104) (0.117) (0.095) Log of residential land at the cell level -0.184*** -0.078 0.024 0.045 (0.056) (0.051) (0.033) (0.032) Longitude, decimal degree 8.102*** 6.044** 5.382*** 4.662** (2.693) (2.504) (2.072) (2.081) Latitude, decimal degree 0.046 1.191 1.659 2.044 (2.044) (1.863) (1.543) (1.486) Log distance to tarmac road in meters -0.268*** -0.154*** (0.023) (0.016) Log distance to a primary school in meters -0.119*** -0.058*** (0.028) (0.019) Log volume of buildings in m3 0.241*** (0.039) Density of built up area of the village 2.624*** 1.953*** (0.233) Log average height of buildings at the village in meters 2.861*** 2.637*** (0.306) (0.334) Log SD of building height at the village in meters -0.470*** -0.494*** (0.106) Year dummies included, but not reported Constant *** ** *** ** (77.951) (71.702) (59.346) (59.542) Number of observations 15,667 R2 0.204 0.262 0.358 0.374 note: *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 Is there an alternative to lease fees?? Three sets of variables: (1) parcel size, distance to CBD and community level variables (establishment census, population census, land registry) and location (XY coordinates; (2) distance of parcel to public services; (3) building heights extracted from high resolution 3D imagery – property level, and village level variables are constructed

10 Within sample prediction of property tax (1% of property value) by parcel size: residential land for the extent with building heights

11 Within sample prediction of property tax (1% of property value) by volume of buildings: residential land for the extent with building heights

12 Estimated total revenue
Property tax estimation: using sales price ( ) for residential land located in the area for which building heights are extracted Amount (US$) Only using residential parcels sold in 2013/16 Number of parcels = 13,837 Lease fee 587,301 Property tax sale price (1%) 2,730,596 Property tax using estimated price (1%) 2,345,628 Estimated total revenue Number of parcels = 86,755 Total lease fee 4,908,390 PT (4*4.91 million) 19,633,560 PT (estimated price) 19,297,467 Average lease fee rate as percentage of property value was 0.73% A flat rate of 1% increases tax revenue substantially Estimated property tax will be 4 times revenue from lease fees Back of the envelope calculation 4*4,908,390 = 19,633,560 What will happen if lease fees are replaced by property tax?

13 Can this exercise be replicated for cases with no cadaster information?
The only missing information will be parcel area All the other variables can be reconstructed using high resolution satellite imagery, but requires generation of building footprints (but at a cost) So, do the results significantly change if we drop parcel area and total area of residential land from the model?

14 Hedonic price function: Dependent variable: log(property price in US$)
(1) (2) (3) (4) Log distance from the village to the CBD in km -0.353** 0.093 -0.263*** -0.085 (0.149) (0.138) (0.091) (0.100) Log number of workers at the cell level in 2014 0.210*** 0.104*** 0.030 0.008 (0.043) (0.039) (0.037) (0.036) Ratio of urban population at the sector level 0.533*** 0.265** 0.300*** 0.202** (0.154) (0.134) (0.104) (0.088) Longitude, decimal degree 8.509*** 5.605** 5.029** 4.171** (2.793) (2.661) (2.054) (2.102) Latitude, decimal degree -3.818* -1.024 0.752 1.385 (2.128) (1.896) (1.621) (1.567) Log distance to tarmac road in meters -0.319*** -0.170*** (0.026) (0.020) Log distance to a primary school in meters -0.090** -0.049** (0.022) Log volume of buildings in m3 0.318*** 0.304*** (0.023) Density of built up area of the village 1.903*** 1.145*** (0.352) (0.389) Log average height of buildings at the village in meters 3.490*** 3.215*** (0.310) (0.346) Log SD of building height at the village in meters -0.586*** -0.606*** (0.124) (0.125) Year dummies included, but not reported Constant *** ** ** * (82.259) (77.722) (59.219) (60.652) Number of observations 15,667 R2 0.068 0.150 0.308 0.328 note: *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 Is there an alternative to lease fees?? Three sets of variables: (1) parcel size, distance to CBD and community level variables (establishment census, population census, land registry) and location (XY coordinates; (2) distance of parcel to public services; (3) building heights extracted from high resolution 3D imagery – property level, and village level variables are constructed

15 Within sample prediction of property tax (1% of property value): residential land for the extent with building heights With cadaster information With no cadaster

16 Within sample prediction of property tax (1% of property value): residential land for the extent with building heights With cadaster information With no cadaster

17 Estimated total revenue
Property tax estimation: using sales price ( ) for residential land located in the area for which building heights are extracted Amount (US$) Only using residential parcels sold in 2013/16 Number of parcels = 13,837 Lease fee 587,301 Property tax sale price (1%) 2,730,596 Property tax using estimated price (1%) 2,210,146 Estimated total revenue Number of parcels = 86,755 Total lease fee 4,908,390 PT (3.76*4.91 million) 18,455,546 PT (estimated price) 16,744,537 Average lease fee rate as percentage of property value was 0.73% A flat rate of 1% increases tax revenue substantially Estimated property tax will be times revenue from lease fees Back of the envelope calculation 4*4,908,390 = 18,455,546 What will happen if lease fees are replaced by property tax?

18 Costing for NDSM generation (in Euro): from GAF AG estimate
Cost item Per square km Kigali city (730 sq km) Min. Max. Minimum Maximum Satellite data (e.g., Airbus Pleiades Triplet dataset) 30 50 21,900 36,500 NDSM generation incl. filtering, tree elimination, quality enhancement, calculation of relative heights 100 31,390 73,000 If no cadaster data (generation of building footprints) 300 350 219,000 255,500 Total cost with cadaster info 53,290 109,500 Total cost with no cadaster info 272,290 365,000 The cost is if building footprints are generated in Europe (using automated

19 Conclusions There was a significant gap in the collection of land lease fees Conversion of prime land in urban Kigali could contribute in increasing revenue from lease fees. However, total conversion is needed for it to make meaningful impact. Good enough prices can be generated in a cost effective way to substantially increase tax revenue Building heights extracted from high resolution satellite imagery substantially increase the predictive power of the hedonic price model Possible to extract additional attributes from high resolution satellite imagery such as roof type, level of informality, etc. to improve model prediction Can be replicated even for cases with no cadaster information Cost of the exercise is marginal compared to the potential revenue that will be generated from property tax

20 Descriptive statistics
Mean Std. Err. Parcel level Parcel area in square meters 609.94 28.78 Property price in USD 42841 12851 Property price per sqm in USD 73.07 17.23 Distance to tarred road in meters 475.00 4.08 Distance to primary school in meters 704.28 4.17 Volume of buildings in cubic meter 484.12 4.84 Number of parcels 15667 Village level Distance from the village to the CVD in km 5.10 0.12 Density of built up area of the village 0.18 0.00 Average height of buildings at the village in meters 3.66 0.03 Standard devation of building heights at the village 1.56 0.04 Number of villages 744 Cell level Total resedential area of the cell in sqm 829361 72789 Number of people hired by establishments in the cell 1111 186 Number of cells 107 Sector level Ration of urban population 0.76 0.07 Number of sectors 32

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