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Elements of Literature 5th Course

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1 Elements of Literature 5th Course
Jonathan Edwards Elements of Literature 5th Course

2 Edwards was known for his fire-and–brimstone sermons, but he based his belief that the universe was filled with the presence of God through science, reason, and observation of the physical world. Edward was groomed to preach from an early age, and at thirteen, Edwards entered Yale. At twenty-six, Edwards took over his Grandfather’s position as pastor of Congregational Church of Northampton . By his late twenties, Edwards was leading the way in the Great Awakening. Jonathan Edwards

3 Edwards became known for his extremism as a pastor.
In the middle of his sermons, Edward began to call out and accuse prominent church members by name. His strictness became so much that his congregation had him dismissed from his very prestigious position as pastor of Northampton.

4 Edwards refused many offers of pastorship and relocated to the Mohoican community of Stockbridge, Massachusetts with his wife Sarah. After eight years of exile, Edwards was named as president of the College of New Jersey (later to be called Princeton University). Three months after assuming this position, Edwards died of a smallpox inoculation that had been promoted by another strict Puritan minister, Cotton Mather. Edwards is known as “the last Puritan”. Ironically, Edwards was never fully a Puritan American nor fully a modern American. He tragically died as a man who fit into neither world.

5 Figures of Speech Words or phrases that compare one thing to another, unlike thing. Remember similes, metaphor, and hyperbole. As you begin to read “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”, pay attention to the figures of speech used by Jonathan Edwards.

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