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Preamble and Principles Constitution Test Review

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1 Preamble and Principles Constitution Test Review
Created by Educational Technology Network

2 Preamble Preamble 2 Principles 1 2 3 10 20 30 40 50

3 Question What does the first part in the Preamble say?

4 Answer 1 – 10 We the people of the United States

5 Question What does “We the People of the United States” mean and how do we do it?

6 Answer 1 – 20 It means people have the power
We do it by letting citizens who are 18 and older vote

7 Question How do American citizens show that they have power in our democratic society?

8 Answer 1 – 30 By voting for our elected leaders

9 Question What does establish justice mean and how do we do it?

10 Answer 1 – 40 It means to create fairness
We do it by having laws, courts, judges ,and lawyers

11 Question What purpose does the Preamble serve?

12 Answer 1 – 50 It introduces and states the purposes of the Constitution.

13 Question What does ensure domestic tranquility mean?

14 Answer 2 – 10 To make sure we have peace at home in the USA

15 Question How do we make sure we have domestic tranquility?

16 Answer 2 – 20 Law enforcement National Guard FBI

17 Question What does Secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity mean?

18 Answer 2 – 30 Keep the freedoms in place forever.

19 Question How do we promote the general welfare? Name at least 2 ways.

20 Answer 2 – 40 Help for the poor and unemployed
Laws and regulations at work Healthcare

21 Question Which goal of the Preamble do national highways, a common money, and a free public education address?

22 Answer 2 – 50 in order to form a more perfect union

23 Question What does Popular Sovereignty mean?

24 Answer 3 – 10 The people have the power to allow others to lead through elections.

25 Question The United States has a government where representatives are elected to make laws fo ra specific period of time. This type of government is called…..

26 Answer 3 – 20 Republicanism

27 Question The government only having the power given to it through the Constitution is from which principle?

28 Answer 3 – 30 Limited Government

29 Question 3 - 40 Fill in the blanks!
No one is above the ________ everyone must follow it, even the ___________________.

30 Answer 3 – 40 Law Government officials

31 Question 3 - 50 Fill in the blank!
Popular Sovereignty means that we have a government in which the _________ rule. The government’s right to rule comes from the ____________.

32 Answer 3 – 50 People

33 Question Which principle divides the power between the federal government and the state government?

34 Answer 4 – 10 Federalism

35 Question Under the principle of Federalism which power is for the national government? Give 1 example

36 Answer 4 – 20 Enumerated Powers Examples: Maintain military
Declare war Coin money Set standards for weight and measures

37 Question Under Federalism, which power is for the state government? Give one example

38 Answer 4 – 30 Reserved Powers Ex) marriage laws, set up
schools, establish local gov’t, regulate corporations.

39 Question Under the principle of Federalism which power is shared between the national and state governments? Give one example

40 Answer 4 – 40 Concurrent Powers
Examples-collect taxes, establish courts, regulate banks, punish criminals, borrow money

41 Question Which Principle gives each branch power over the other branches so that none become to abusive?

42 Answer 4 – 50 Checks and Balances

43 Question How many braches is our government divided into? Name them.

44 Answer 5 – 10 3 Legislative Executive Judicial

45 Question Which branch makes the laws?

46 Answer 5 – 20 Legislative Branch

47 Question What does the Executive branch do?

48 Answer 5 – 30 The Executive branch enforces the laws of our nation.

49 Question 5 - 40 True or False.
The President of the United States is the head of the Legislative Branch?

50 Answer 5 – 40 False Who is?

51 Question Who is in charge of each branch of government?

52 Answer 5 – 50 Legislative-Congress Executive-The President
Judicial-Supreme Court

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