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Foundations of The American political system

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1 Foundations of The American political system
Week Two

2 Question of the Day First name, last name, group number Name one historical figure in Moroccan history and write a short paragraph (4-5 sentences) about what they did and why their actions are important to Morocco’s history.

3 Background – The Revolutionary War
The United States were originally 13 British colonies – meaning they were under the control of the British King In 1775 the “shot heard round the world” began the Revolutionary War or the War for Independence from Great Britain The American army was led by George Washington, the future first president of the United States In 1781, with the help of the French Army, the Americans defeated the British in Yorktown, New York Portrait by Gilbert Stuart. Source:

4 The Declaration of Independence - 1776
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” - Preamble to the Declaration of Independence Declares freedom from Great Britain States reasons for independence from Great Britain Contains principle values of American identity and society The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.

5 The U.S. Constitution Signed in 1787
Founding Framework of U.S. Government United all 13 states in ways the Articles of Confederation did not Signing of the Constitution. Howard Chandler Christy, Courtesy of the Architect of the Capitol, Washington, DC.

6 Preamble to the Constitution

7 Preamble to the Constitution
Preamble by Mike Wilkins, 1987, currently on display in the American Art Museum in Washington, DC.

8 Preamble to the Constitution
How does Mike Wilkins art work modernize the preamble to the constitution? What does it reflect about the historical significance of the preamble?

9 Bill of Rights

10 The Bill of Rights How did the Bill of Rights apply to American society in 1787? How does the Bill of Rights apply to American society today?

11 Our Task You are now the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches of U.S. Government!

12 Checks and Balances Review among your branches what your role is
Make sure you know what your branch does and how it checks the power of the other two branches

13 Directions I will read various circumstances out loud. After I read each circumstance, raise your hand if your branch has the power to perform that action. Then, if you are in one of the other two branches, when I ask, raise your hands if you have the ability to “check” the branch that does have the power. If so, explain what your checking power is.

14 Being an Informed Citizen
Vote Jury Duty Petition local government

15 Homework Read Issue Overview: How the U.S. Elects its Presidents
Answer questions at the end of the reading

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