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Time-dependent fields

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1 Time-dependent fields

2 Maxwell’s equations for Electromagnetism
Dynamic fields coupled .D = r  x E = - ∂B/∂t .B = 0  x H = J + ∂D/∂t D = eE B = mH Maxwell’s equations for Electromagnetism Field equations more symmetric (fields resemble each other)

3 Deriving Circuit Theory !
.D = r  x E = - ∂B/∂t .B = 0  x H = J + ∂D/∂t Kirchhoff’s Law V=LdI/dt

4 Changing magnetic flux
Faraday’s Law  x E = - ∂B/∂t Since  x E ≠ 0 , can’t have E = -U Changing magnetic flux creates voltage

5 Faraday’s Law Vemf = - ∂FB/∂t Definition: FB/I = L (Solenoid)

6 How to change magnetic flux?

7 Transformer: An electrical ‘gear’
Automobile Ignition Coil Vp=NpdFp/dt Vs=NsdFs/dt Fp=Fs Vs/Vp = Ns/Np P1=P2 Zs/Zp = N2s/N2p

8 Wikipedia/howstuffworks
This is how a car runs Large Voltage (40 KV) ionizes air in spark gap and creates high temperature (60000K) that causes dielectric breakdown and creates combustion of fuels The explosion drives a 4-stroke cycle engine that drives the car Wikipedia/howstuffworks

9 Eddy Currents UMD Physics LecDems

10 Wikipedia/howstuffworks
Metal Detectors Incident pulse in coils cause a magnetic field to reverse and collapse. A reflected pulse is created by the collapse. Any induced magnetic field in metals delays collapse of reflected pulse by a few ms, which is detected. Wikipedia/howstuffworks

11 Electromagnetic Potential
.B = 0  B =  x A  x E = - ∂( x A)/∂t

12 New relation between E and V
Electromagnetic Potential .B = 0  B =  x A x (E + ∂A/∂t) = 0 E + ∂A/∂t = - V E = -V - ∂A/∂t New relation between E and V

13 Equation of Current Continuity
.D = r  x H = J + ∂D/∂t

14 Charging a Capacitor

15 Equation of Current Continuity
.D = r  x H = J + ∂D/∂t

16 Equation of Current Continuity
.∂D/∂t = ∂r/∂t  x H = J + ∂D/∂t

17 Equation of Current Continuity
.( x H – J) = ∂r/∂t  x H = J + ∂D/∂t

18 Equation of Current Continuity
.J = -∂r/∂t

19 Equation of Current Continuity
.J dv = -∂rdv/∂t

20 Equation of Current Continuity
J.dA = -∂Q/∂t

21 Equation of Current Continuity
I = -∂Q/∂t

22 Modified Ampere’s Law  x H = J + JD

23 Equation of Continuity
0 = .(J + JD) Displacement Current Kirchhoff’s Current Law

24 Charging a Capacitor + - + - I + - + - + -
How do we visualize displacement currents? As charges crowd onto plates, E increases between plates These ‘link’ increasing + and – charges on plates and act like a current that bridges them + - + - I + - + - + - This is the displacement current JD = ∂D/∂t

25 The 4 Maxwell’s equations
.(eE) = r  x E = - ∂B/∂t .B = 0  x (B/m)= J + ∂(eE)/∂t sE Consequences: Electromagnetic Waves (Ch 7) that propagate radiatively for oscillating charges (Ch 9) and bend in specific ways at interfaces (Ch 8)

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