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Women Government Structure Time period

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1 Women Government Structure Time period
Significant events / features of period Change / Continuity Weimar Government Nazi pre-War Government Nazi Wartime Government FRG

2 Women Foreign Policy and Priorities Time period
Significant events / features of period Change / Continuity Weimar Government Nazi pre-War Government Nazi Wartime Government FRG

3 Women Opposition to Government Time period
Significant events / features of period Change / Continuity Weimar Government Nazi pre-War Government Nazi Wartime Government FRG

4 Women Government Control of Opposition Time period
Significant events / features of period Change / Continuity Weimar Government Nazi pre-War Government Nazi Wartime Government FRG

5 Women Economic Policy Time period
Significant events / features of period Change / Continuity Weimar Government Nazi pre-War Government Nazi Wartime Government FRG

6 Women Women Time period Significant events / features of period
Change / Continuity Weimar Government Nazi pre-War Government Nazi Wartime Government FRG

7 Women Ethnic Minorities Time period
Significant events / features of period Change / Continuity Weimar Government Nazi pre-War Government Nazi Wartime Government FRG

8 Women Young People Time period Significant events / features of period
Change / Continuity Weimar Government Nazi pre-War Government Nazi Wartime Government FRG

9 Women Culture Time period Significant events / features of period
Change / Continuity Weimar Government Nazi pre-War Government Nazi Wartime Government FRG

10 Women Living Standards Time period
Significant events / features of period Change / Continuity Weimar Government Nazi pre-War Government Nazi Wartime Government FRG

11 Possible Essay Questions
(for the topics we have covered so far) AS Level Section A Section B Was the work of Gustav Stresemann the main reason for the Weimar government’s ability to overcome the challenges it faced between 1919 and 1929? To what extent did women’s lives change during the period ? How far do you agree that political opposition to the Weimar Republic was rooted in a hatred of the Treaty of Versailles? To what extent did education change during the period ? How far do you agree that Hitler’s rise to becoming a dictator was achieved by legal means? How far do you agree that Nazi propaganda was responsible for attitudes towards ethnic minorities in the years 1933 – 45? Was the recovery of the German economy the main reason for the survival of the Nazi regime in the years 1933 – 1939? To what extent did standards of living improve during the period 1918 – 39? Was the main reason for popular support for the Nazis in the years 1933 – 1945 the party’s use of propaganda? Explain your answer. How far do you agree that anti-government protest changed completely between 1918 and 1945? Was public distrust of the Weimar government the main reason for the collapse of democracy in 1933? To what extent did the Nazi regime overturn the Weimar education system? To what extent were the Nazis successful in solving the economic problems of the Weimar republic? How accurate is it to say that the system of government in Nazi Germany in the years 1933 – 1939 was significantly different from that of the Weimar Republic? Section A questions will ask for analysis and evaluation of causation or consequence only. The essay normally covers around a decade (this period might be a little longer where it makes sense for the question.) Section B questions will ask for analysis and evaluation of any concept focus, but not solely causation or consequence*. The essay normally covers approximately a third of the chronology. *It could be change and continuity or significance.

12 Germany and West Germany, 1918-1989 Wider Reading
Academic Writing Fulbrook, M. A Concise History of Germany, Cambridge University Press (2004) Hiden, J. The Weimar Republic, Seminar Staudies in History, Longman (1996) Lee, S.J. The Weimar Republic, Question and Analysis in History, Routledge (2009) Kitchen, M. A History of Modern Germany: 1800 to the Present, Wiley-Blackwell (2011) Carr, W. A History of Germany , Hodder Arnold (1991) Lee, S.J. Hitler and Nazi Germany, Routledge (2009) Williamson, D. Germany: From Defeat to Partition , Routledge (2001) Hallett, G. The Social Market Economy of West Germany, Macmillan (1973) Hiden, J. The Weimar Republic, Longman (1996) Murphy, D., Morris, T. and Fulbrook, M. Germany , Collins Educational (2008) Peukert, D.J.K. Inside Nazi Germany, Penguin (1993) Bell, . P.M.H. The Origins of the second World War in Europe, Pearson Education Limited (2007) Lang, S. and Kinloch, N. Nazi Foreign Policy, , Phillip Allan (2009) Nicholls, D. Adolf Hitler: a Biographical Companion, ABC-CLIO (2000) Overy, R. The Origins of the Second World War, Routledge (2008) Things to research/watch Find footage of the building of the Berlin Wall on the internet by searching ‘building Berlin Wall’. Find footage of British newsreels of the Kapp Putsch protest marches in the FRG if you search the internet using the terms ‘Kapp Putsch’ or ‘Protest West Germany’ plus a date (for example, 1969). An internet search on ‘Germany history documents and images’ will bring up a website that can be searched chronologically. The Facing History and Ourselves website provides useful information about the economy of Weimar Germany, including personal accounts. Footage of the book burning in Berlin in 1933 can be found on the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website. Colour footage of the 1938 Nuremberg rallies can be found online, although the sites often also contain neo-Nazi propaganda. There is footage of some of Hitler’s speeches on the internet, for example, if you search ‘Hitler speech Sudetenland’.

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