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7th Seal, 7th Trumpet, 3rd Woe begins

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1 7th Seal, 7th Trumpet, 3rd Woe begins
The 7th Angel sounds v. 15 Voices from Heaven v. 15 Saying, “The ‘cosmos’ kingdom has become the Kingdom of our LORD and His CHRIST, and HE will reign forever and ever!!” Judgment and coronation 2 Samuel 15:10; 1 Kings 1:39; Psalm 2:6-9; Isaiah 2:2,3; Dan. 2:34-35, 44-45; 7:13-14,18,22,27; Micah 4:1-3; Zech. 14:9; Matt. 6:10; Luke 1:31-33 Daniel’s 70th week is now complete, 7 years have passed Beginning with the first seal

2 The Millennial Reign begins
The “Day of the Lord” judgment is not yet fully complete Daniel’s 30 days begin Daniel 12:11 Elders v. 16, 17 Worshiped God, for; His eternal nature Praise for exercising His mighty power Praise for beginning the long anticipated reign of HIS Christ Nations v. 18 RAGE Wrath came Isaiah 24:17-23; 26:20-21; 30:27-33 tense— past

3 Time (season) of judgment of the dead came
tense— past Reward to the prophets Reward to the saints Reward to those that fear His Name small & great To destroy those that destroy the earth tense—yet future— imminent Temple of God Opened Ark appeared—lightening, peals of thunder, earthquake and hail

4 Revelation 12: 1-17 WAR IN HEAVEN and ON EARTH
The Signs v. 1-6 Woman—Pregnant with child—Israel Genesis 37:9-11 Clothed with the Sun—Moon--Twelve stars Red Dragon— Lucifer/Satan Seven heads, ten horns Daniel 7 1/3 of the stars swept away by his tail Standing over the woman waiting to devour the child Male Child—Messiah/ Christ Born to rule Caught up to God and his throne Woman—set aside in God’s prepared place Matt. 24:15-21 Nourished by God for 1260 days

5 War in Heaven v. 7-12 The Players Michael vs. Dragon Michael’s Angels and Satan’s Angels The Results v. 9 Satan & his angels thrown to earth (once and for all times) Celebration v In heaven The faith of the brethren is recognized and their testimony for not loving their life even when faced with death Revelation 13:7-10 Warning to the people on earth v. 12 Satan is full of rage and wrath He recognizes his time is short

6 War on Earth v.13-17 The rage/wrath of Satan is manifest He persecutes the woman Israel But she’s protected by God Given wings (salvation) Exodus 19:4; Matt. 24:15-21 3 ½ years in the wilderness Satan sends a flood after Israel Trouble for Satan The earth protects Israel Num. 16:28-33 Satan redirects his wrath on the church, those with a testimony of Jesus v. 17

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