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Prof. Md Sayedur Rahman Pharmacoeconomics: Bangladesh Perspective

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1 Prof. Md Sayedur Rahman Pharmacoeconomics: Bangladesh Perspective
Department of Pharmacology Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University

2 What is pharmacoeconomics?
Pharmacoeconomics is the branch of economics related to the most economical and efficient use of pharmaceuticals. Economic approaches are applied to pharmaceuticals to guide the use of limited resources to yield maximum value to patients, health care payers and society in general.

3 What are the aims of pharmacoeconomics?
Aim 1: Evaluation of the cost and effect of pharmaceutical products Aim 2: Optimization of the resource allocation in health sector

4 Cost-effectiveness Analysis
Pharmacoeconomics Compare intervention with different efficacy and safety as well as different outcome Cost expressed in monetary value Effect expressed in natural units, eg., mm of Hg blood pressure lowering, lowering of pain in unit of VAS scale

5 Cost-effectiveness Analysis
Less More Cost Less effective More cost Less cost More effective Pharmacoeconomics More Effectiveness Less

6 New Cancer Therapy Symptoms Drug X Drug Y Survival days 300 400
Pharmacoeconomics Symptoms Drug X Drug Y Survival days Days sick of chemotherapy Days sick of disease TWiST Time Without Symptoms of disease and subjective Toxic effects of treatment

7 New Cancer Therapy (cont.)
Pharmacoeconomics 50 patients each year (per hospital) Medicine x: 50 x Taka 1,750 = Taka 87,500 Medicine y: 50 x Taka 2,000 = Taka 1,00,000 Medicine budget for x or y = Taka 50,000 Number of patient Medicine x: Taka 50,000 / 1,750 = 28.5 patients Medicine y: Taka 50,000 / 2,000 = 25.0 patients Survival in days Medicine x: 28.5 patients x 300 days = 8,550 days Medicine y: 25.0 patients x 400 days = 10,000 days Survival in TWiST Medicine x: 28.5 patients x 190 TWiST = 5,415 days Medicine y: 25.0 patients x 220 TWiST = 5,500 days

8 Cost-minimization Analysis
Pharmacoeconomics Appropriate when alternative therapies have equal efficacy, safety, tolerability and have identical outcome, but different costs. Estimates costs of an intervention, but not benefits Choose the least cost alternative among equivalent efficacious alternatives

9 Cost-benefit Analysis
Pharmacoeconomics Identification, measurement and comparison of the benefits and cost of therapeutic alternatives Express benefit and cost in monetary unit

10 Cost-utility Analysis
Pharmacoeconomics Method for comparing treatment alternatives Focuses on increased quality of life Measures an intervention’s effect on both quantitative and qualitative aspects of health

11 Quality Adjusted Life Year (QALY)
Pharmacoeconomics How much a person have to pay to increase his/her life expectancy for each year, along with considering the quality of life Calculation: 1 QALY= 1 year of life × 1 year of utility value

12 Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY)
Pharmacoeconomics A measure of health gap Considers the proportion of disability and benefit of treatment by virtue of expenditure Calculation: DALY = YLL × YLD YLL → Years of Life Lost due to premature mortality YLD → Years of Life Lost due to Disability

13 Pharmacoeconomics Pharmacoeconomics as a guiding principle for evaluation of medicine around the world

14 Australia Pharmacoeconomics Economic evaluation is one factor to be considered when making choices between competing therapeutic modalities

15 Belgium Pharmacoeconomics Calculation of Cost Valuation of Outcome

16 Canada Pharmacoeconomics

17 China Pharmacoeconomics

18 Cuba Pharmacoeconomics

19 Malaysia Pharmacoeconomics

20 South Africa Pharmacoeconomics

21 USA Pharmacoeconomics Though pharmacoeconomics has started it’s journey as a division in an academic institution like Harvard, that received very limited acceptance by the Government of USA!

22 Pharmacoeconomics as a research issue in medical science

23 Articles published with keyword ‘pharmacoeconomic’ in the Title/Abstract (searched in PubMed)
Pharmacoeconomics 2,384 articles!

24 Articles published with keyword ‘pharmacoeconomic’ in the Title/Abstract only in 2015 (searched in PubMed) Pharmacoeconomics 110 articles!

25 Articles published with keyword ‘pharmacoeconomic’ and ‘Bangladesh’ in the Title/Abstract (searched in PubMed) Pharmacoeconomics No articles!!

26 Articles published with keyword ‘pharmacoeconomic’ in the Title/Abstract (searched in Google Scholar) Pharmacoeconomics 2,630 articles!

27 Articles published with keyword ‘pharmacoeconomic’ in the Title/Abstract only in 2015 (searched in Google Scholar) Pharmacoeconomics 96 articles!

28 Articles published with keyword ‘pharmacoeconomic’ and ‘Bangladesh’ in the Title/Abstract (searched in Google Scholar) Pharmacoeconomics No articles!!

29 Articles published with keyword ‘pharmacoeconomic’ in the Title/Abstract (searched in Banglajol)
Pharmacoeconomics No article!

30 Pharmacoeconomics Weightage/importance given on Pharmacoeconomics and related issues in the MBBS Curriculum of Bangladesh

31 Weightage given on ‘pharmacoeconomic’ issue in the MBBS Curriculum of Bangladesh
Pharmacoeconomics Never mentioned!

32 Weightage given on ‘cost’ issue in the MBBS Curriculum of Bangladesh
Pharmacoeconomics Never mentioned!

33 Weightage given on ‘price’ issue in the MBBS Curriculum of Bangladesh
Pharmacoeconomics Never mentioned!

34 Weightage on ‘Pharmacoeconomics and related topics’ the Pharmacology portion of the MBBS Curriculum of Bangladesh Pharmacoeconomics Item Total Pharmacoeconomics related Topics Lectures Tutorials Practicals Clinical Case Obtained from the Baseline Study Conducted by Dr Nargis Akhter Chowdhury, for her thesis titled “Cost-Effectiveness Issue in the Under-graduate Medical Education Programs: Assessment of Weightage, Reflection in Prescribing and Effect of ICT-based Feedback”

35 Weightage ‘Pharmacoeconomics and related topics’ in MBBS Examination from 2010 to 2014
University Direct Indirect Dhaka 0 % 5.43 Chittagong 0 % Rajshahi 0 % SUST 0 % USTC 0 % Gonobishwabiddyala 0 % Obtained from the Baseline Study Conducted by Dr Nargis Akhter Chowdhury, for her thesis titled “Cost-Effectiveness Issue in the Under-graduate Medical Education Programs: Assessment of Weightage, Reflection in Prescribing and Effect of ICT-based Feedback”

36 MD (Internal Medicine) 0 % 0 % MS (General Surgery) 0 % 0 %
Weightage ‘Pharmacoeconomics and related topics’ in Postgraduate Examination of BSMMU from 2010/12 to 2014 Pharmacoeconomics Course Direct Indirect MD (Internal Medicine) 0 % 0 % MS (General Surgery) 0 % 0 % DCH 0 % 0 % DGO 0 % 0 % Obtained from the Baseline Study Conducted by Dr Nargis Akhter Chowdhury, for her thesis titled “Cost-Effectiveness Issue in the Under-graduate Medical Education Programs: Assessment of Weightage, Reflection in Prescribing and Effect of ICT-based Feedback”

37 Response of the teachers of BSMMU on query about Pharmacoeconomics/Cost-effectiveness (n=40)
Have you discussed about cost-effectiveness in the class? Regular Occasional Never 5-10 Y 4/11 7/11 0/11 >10 Y 10/29 18/29 1/29 Obtained from the Baseline Study Conducted by Dr Nargis Akhter Chowdhury, for her thesis titled “Cost-Effectiveness Issue in the Under-graduate Medical Education Programs: Assessment of Weightage, Reflection in Prescribing and Effect of ICT-based Feedback”

38 Response of the teachers of BSMMU on query about Pharmacoeconomics/Cost-effectiveness (n=40)
Do you think the way cost-effectiveness mentioned in the Textbook is adequate? Yes No 5-10 Y 0/11 11/11 >10 Y 0/29 29/29 Obtained from the Baseline Study Conducted by Dr Nargis Akhter Chowdhury, for her thesis titled “Cost-Effectiveness Issue in the Under-graduate Medical Education Programs: Assessment of Weightage, Reflection in Prescribing and Effect of ICT-based Feedback”

39 Response of the teachers of BSMMU on query about Pharmacoeconomics/Cost-effectiveness (n=40)
Do you ask about cost-effectiveness in the examinations? Regularly Occasional Never 5-10 Y 0/11 4/11 7/11 >10 Y 3/29 17/29 9/29 Obtained from the Baseline Study Conducted by Dr Nargis Akhter Chowdhury, for her thesis titled “Cost-Effectiveness Issue in the Under-graduate Medical Education Programs: Assessment of Weightage, Reflection in Prescribing and Effect of ICT-based Feedback”

40 Response of the teachers of BSMMU on query about Pharmacoeconomics/Cost-effectiveness (n=40)
How do you evaluate the skill of Bangladeshi doctors about cost-effectiveness? Excellent Good Lacking 5-10 Y 0/11 10/11 1/11 >10 Y 1/29 20/ /29 Obtained from the Baseline Study Conducted by Dr Nargis Akhter Chowdhury, for her thesis titled “Cost-Effectiveness Issue in the Under-graduate Medical Education Programs: Assessment of Weightage, Reflection in Prescribing and Effect of ICT-based Feedback”

41 Awareness about Pharmacoconomics
Pharmacoeconomics Physicians are concerned mostly on the efficacy of the medicine with lesser attention on the cost and safety. It is assumed that the awareness of economic analysis among the prescribers, health managers and policy makers might be helpful to decide and choose the best option in order to ensure optimum utilization of resources.

42 Just Thinking About Cost can Bring Great Change

43 Please stop before you write name of any medicine!

44 WAIT: We are in the middle of a conference on iceberg avoidance
Watch out on Starboard !! Pharmacoeconomics WAIT: We are in the middle of a conference on iceberg avoidance TITANIC

45 Pharmacoeconomics Thank You

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