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Corporate Cloud @ CNAF.

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Presentation on theme: "Corporate Cloud @ CNAF."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corporate CNAF

2 Attivita’ pregressa Cloud-MR – LNGS, BARI, PD Keystone distribuito
Swift distribuito (glance backend) 4 infrastrutture Openstack (anche Roma2) A PD Keystone: 1 Blade Dell (8) Intel Xeon E , 16GB RAM, 150GB disk Swift host (1 proxy,2 storage) (24) AMD Opteron 6238, 48GB RAM, (2)2TB SATA RAID1 Il “cluster” – 2 Blade HP (2) Dual-Core AMD Opteron 2600 MHz, 4GB RAM, 74GB disk CCR Napoli – Intro alle potenzialita’ di O.S. In ambiente multiregione geograficamente distribuito

3 Keystone Distribuito

4 Corporate Cloud Parte della “INFN Cloud infrastructure” (Cloud-based INFN computing infrastructure) – federazione d’infrastrutture eterogenee Ragruppa installazioni OpenStack omogenee condividono una serie di servizi, pur essendo indipendente Focus – risorse replicate, distribuite, HA Alcune carateristiche: single point of access for distributed resources, fully exploiting the native functionalities of OpenStack and with no need of external integration tools; SSO and common authorization platform. User roles and projects are the same throughout the infrastructure, while quotas for projects vary from site to site; common DNS name space for distributed resources; secure dashboard and API access to all services for all users; easy sharing of VM images and snapshots through a common Object Storage deployment; block device sharing over remote sites; A rough way to implement is through ceph or swift backed volume backups, faster and more efficient ways are under investigation. self-service backup for instances and block storage. Backed-up data can be accessed/restored transparently from/to any site. MR-Cloud is seen as a single infrastructure by federated Clouds, both belonging to INFN and to other institutions.

5 Use Cases Local and central computing Services
web sites and portals; web based applications; information/documentation/data sharing tools; authentication/authorization services (kerberos, ldap, radius servers, IdPs); mail services, provided performance requirements are satisfied on a virtualized environment; database services; room booking, calendars; ... Scientific Computing – CPU & Storage Support to analysis

6 Architettura e Requisiti
Almeno 50 CPU e almeno 15-16TB storage Ubuntu – 14.04 O.S Juno Trusted services (*) Common Identity Service Common Object Storage Services Common Image Service Network “” DNS domain DNS HA Amministrazione comuna dei servizi centrali – Keystone, Swift, Glance,… Requisiti: Common, distributed object storage back-end for images and snapshots Common, distributed object storage back-end for user data Block storage service Common, distributed object storage back-end for block storage backup    “Per tenant network” model “per tenant and per region network” in a multi-region cloud environment. FWaaS        LBaaS    VPNaaS    Orchestration Service

7 Configurare firewall per i nodi delle sedi Corporate Cloud
requirement base per partecipare come risorse al cloud INFN Le sottoreti delle sedi che ospitano queste risorse cloud dovrebbero essere trusted su ogni sito che partecipa fornendo risorse Aprire tutto il traffico ip da / verso tutte le macchine che ospitano l'infrastruttura OpenStack e che devono parlare fra di loro – servizi distinguere tra interconnessione "di servizio" tra le sedi cloud e interconnessione per le attivita` degli utenti Esempi Nuova vers O.S. – nuove porte – nuove configurazioni .. Test Docker + Shipyard (gestione centrale container docker)

8 Attivita’ Configurare accesso tra I nodi delle sedi Corporate Cloud
Authentication/Authorization Keystone + LDAP/AAI Richiesta export “ou=services,dc=infn,dc=it” Cluster Percona + HAProxy Image Management Backend Swift Uso Docker e containers Keystone, CEPH Infrastruttura cloud “associata” Infrastructure automation: Foreman - Puppet Repository - Monitoring Zabbix – (CNAF?) Nagios Syslog centrale Eventuale soluzione rsyslog + elasticsearch + kibana Criptazione dei dati tra storage swift distribuiti ….

9 Tool collaborativi Wiki: JIRA:

10 Infrastruttura @ CNAF CLOUDCNAF-120 Baremetal: - 8 macchine Reti:
External – // Management /26, VLAN 2098 Data /26, VLAN 3098

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