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Keep Calm and Carry On Autumn Term 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Keep Calm and Carry On Autumn Term 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keep Calm and Carry On Autumn Term 2017
PSHE New Beginnings Getting On and Falling Out Feeling Good and Feeling Safe Geography Positioning Locate the countries of Europe Identify and name the seas around Britain Literacy Inspired by our topic we will be looking at: Historical Narrative – WW2 Historical Narrative – RAF Diary Entry Poetry – battle of Britain Non Chronological report – WW2. HISTORY - WW2 Blitz Battle of Britain Year 6 Blue Whale Class science Light Forces RE What helps Hindus worship How is God 3 and 1 What does the Gospel say about Christmas Pe Tag Rugby Hockey Gymnastics Dance – responding to music, creating and performing sequences Art and DT Design and make a bomb shelter Collage Maths Place Value Calculations Shape Angles Mental Methods Computing Typing – developing touch typing skills E-safety – knowing the risk of using the Internet and how to report issues. French Learn everyday words and phrases. Music Sing and composition linked to France and the Past.

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