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British Asians in Cinema

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1 British Asians in Cinema
Aims: to explore the history and issues around Asian representations in UK film.

2 Recap What were some of the traditional Indo-Asian stereotypes we discussed earlier: Hard working and studious Business minded Strong sense of family- close knit Good at Maths (and cricket) Money/status orientated Religious/moral Arranged marriages Passive (except for terrorists) It could be said that British Asians are under-represented in other areas of the media notably, film and music. What were some of the reasons for this?

3 ….some history One of the criteria of the Media and Collective Identity unit is to ‘explore how contemporary representations compare to previous time periods’ British Asian representations in the media have until recently been quite stereotyped, focussing on Asian culture ‘from the outside looking in’. Asian characters on TV were in the 1960s and 70s often played by white actors who ‘browned up’. Look at the documentary ‘A Brimful Of Asia’ which looks at the history of Asian representation on TV. Make some notes.

4 Historical film examples.
Task: watch these clips from the following films: ‘’My Beautiful Launderette’ (1984) (eviction) ‘My Beautiful Launderette’ portrayed the lives of Asian immigrants to Britain in the 80s and their attempts to open businesses and prosper in Thatcher’s Briatin. Make some notes on the sheet provided. ‘Bhaji on the Beach’ (1992) (off to Blackpool) ‘Bhaji on the Beach’ reflected the early 90s Asian experience. It looked at how ‘second generation’ Asians, born in this country dealt with cultural integration and being a ‘British –Asian’. Make some notes.

5 ‘East is East’ (2000) ‘East is East’ is a recent film depicting an Anglo- Pakistani family in the north of England during the mid 1970s. It is a ‘period film’ set in the past making it difficult to compare with films that represent contemporary British Asian life. However as the film was made in the last ten years it does represent some central themes and ideas that are still prevalent to British Asian culture today. The film depicts a more culturally ignorant, racist Britain. However the idea of a culturally segregated north is still relevant today. The Muslim faith clashing with British culture is the central theme of the film and is seen in many scenes.

6 ‘East is East’ and the culture clash.
Task: Watch the opening and make notes on the representation of British Asian culture. Consider the idea of cultural hybridity and cultures clashing. The opening Christian parade. The hybridity of traditional Pakistani and traditions and British northern life through mise-en-scene. The English boy saying ‘salaam malykum’. The son not wanting to go through with the arranged marriage. The father wanting his children to maintain Muslim traditions- arranged marriages, going to the mosque, circumcision etc. The children have mixed views on the Muslim faith - reluctantly going to mosque (although one is devout) eating of pork, chasing after white girls etc. Cultural hybrids. The fathers constant reference to Pakistan- cultural attachment. The Pakistani accent with English phrases like ‘bloody’.

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