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Why is Mitosis important?
Warm Up Answer the following on your notebook sheet of paper you started on Monday What is Mitosis? Why is Mitosis important? Compare the daughter cells of Mitosis to the original parent cell. REMINDER: If you have a test to make up, you must make arrangements with me ASAP! You do not want to wait until the last minute with finals around the corner!!!
Importance of Sexual Reproduction
As you watch the video, write down 2-3 reasons that sexual reproduction is beneficial. Why Sex?
Meiosis and Genetics Packet – pg. 1
Mitosis Meiosis Asexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction Somatic Cell Gamete (Sex Cell) body Any cell forming the __________ of an organism, not a sperm or egg cell. Examples: Reproductive cells that unite during sexual reproduction to form a new cell called a zygote. Examples: Heart cell, liver cell, skin cell Sperm cell or egg cell only!
Meiosis and Genetics Packet – pg. 1
Diploid Haploid 2 half Cells containing ____ complete sets of chromosomes. How to write it: ____ ( ____ + ____ = ____ ) Human ex.: ____ = ____ in all somatic cells Cells containing __________ the number of chromosomes as diploid. This means a haploid cells only contains one complete set of chromosomes. How to write it: ____ Human ex.: ____ = ____ in sperm cells ____ = ____ in egg cells 2n n n n n n 2n n
Half the # of chromosomes
Chromosome Worksheet Follow along as we read the background paragraph together. Replicated by Meiosis Sexual Reproduction Replicated by Mitosis Asexual Reproduction Gametes: Sperm & Egg Cells Somatic Cells: All Other Cells Haploid: (n) Half the # of chromosomes Diploid: (2n) Chromosomes in pairs Sperm (n) Egg (n) Embryo (2n) In humans: Sperm n = 23 Egg n = 23 Embryo 2n = 46
Chromosome Worksheet Species # of Chromosomes in Diploid Cells (2n) # of Homologous Chromosome Pairs in Diploid Cells # of Chromosomes in Haploid Cells (n) Homo Sapiens 2n = 46 23 pairs n = 23 Fruit Fly 2n = 8 4 pairs n = 4 Housefly n = 6 2n = 12 6 pairs Bat 22 pairs 2n = 44 n = 22 Complete the rest of the FRONT of this handout on your own. If you have any questions, please raise your hand. Once you finish the front AND get it checked by me, begin working on the back of this handout until we move on.
Meiosis and Genetics Packet – pg. 1
Mitosis Meiosis Location of Process Location of Process all somatic cells in the ovaries or testes Fertilization Fertilization Process of fertilizing an egg, female egg, or plant involving the fusion of male gametes to form a zygote. Draw it:
Exit Ticket Write the answers to the questions below in the
space provided on the back of your warm-up handout. What type cells undergo meiosis? What’s the difference between haploid and diploid cells? Which type of cells are diploid cells?
Monday – Warm-up: Answer questions 1 and 2 on your Meiosis Warm up sheet I handed you at the door. Use your Protocol for MC Questions. REMINDERS If you were absent on a test or quiz day, please be prepared to stay to make up your missing work. I will remind those students who need to stay. Everyone is encouraged to attend tutorials this Tuesday/Wednesday!!! There will be a quiz over Meiosis this Wednesday/Thursday.
Chromosome Worksheet Complete #1-6 on the BACK of the Chromosome Worksheet you received Friday. If you have questions or want to check your answers, please raise your hand.
Mitosis vs. Meiosis Video
As you watch the video, fill out as much of SECTION 3 of the packet as you can. Mitosis vs. Meiosis
Meiosis and Genetics Packet – pg. 3
Fill out the remainder of SECTION 3 using the information from the video. If you are stuck, you may visit the solution station. You may not bring anything to the solution station except yourself. NO PENCIL, NO PAPER. You may not talk while your at the solution station. You may only visit the solution station once you’ve attempted to answer the questions on your own.
Meiosis and Genetics Packet – pg. 1
Karyotype A picture of a person’s chromosomes that shows number, form, and size of the chromosomes. It used to determine the sex of an organism and see any chromosomal disorders. Male: _____ Female: _____ Now, answer # 7-8 on the BACK of the Chromosome Worksheet. Be sure to explain how you identified the sex when you answer #8.
Exit Ticket Write the answers to the questions below in the
space provided on the back of your warm-up handout. What is an autosomal chromosome? What is a gamete? How many chromosomes does a gamete have? How do you identify sex using a karyotype?
Wednesday – Warm-up: Take out your Meiosis Warm-up Problems Handout and answer # 3-4 using your sticky note and the Protocol for MC Questions. REMINDERS There will be a quiz over Meiosis this Wednesday/Thursday. Mrs. Luster has tutoring Wednesday in room 2312. Ms. Derbes has tutoring Thursday in room 2313.
Warm-up Which term refers to the orderly series of events that distributes one chromosome from each pair of homologous chromosomes in a primary sex cell to the nucleus of a gamete? ______________________ mitotic cell division meiotic cell division fission deletion
Warm-up Which of the following best describes the number of chromosomes in a normal human liver cell? _______________________ 23 pairs of chromosomes 46 different types of chromosomes 46 male chromosomes and 46 female chromosomes 23 original chromosomes and 23 duplicate chromosomes
Mitosis and Meiosis Simulation
Simulation Activity Follow along with the video using your model chromosomes, whiteboard, and dry erase marker. Mitosis and Meiosis Simulation
Meiosis and Genetics Packet – pg. 2
Follow along as we fill out SECTION 2 of your packet. You will need two different colored pencils/markers Pay special attention to: Type of cell that’s produced Crossing Over # of Divisions # of Daughter Cells Genetic Variation
2 identical daugher cells are created
This is what your cells look like in G1, then during S phase, the chromosomes are duplicated to look like this: 1 division 2 identical daugher cells are created
Meiosis and Genetics Packet – pg. 2
Follow along as we fill out SECTION 2 of your packet. Pay special attention to: Type of cell that’s produced Crossing Over # of Divisions # of Daughter Cells Genetic Variation
1st division 2nd division 4 non-identical cells are created, genetically varied
Meiosis and Genetics Packet – pg. 1
Crossing Over Crossing Over The exchange of genes between homologous chromosomes, resulting in a mixture or parental characteristics in offspring. Draw it: Nondisjunction The failure of homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids to separate properly during cell division. Example: Down Syndrome, Turner’s Syndrome, Kleinfelter’s Syndrome
Meiosis and Genetics Packet – pg. 1
Crossing Over Crossing Over The exchange of genes between homologous chromosomes, resulting in a mixture or parental characteristics in offspring. Draw it: Nondisjunction The failure of homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids to separate properly during cell division. Example:
Picture Review Practice
For each picture, write down the following: # of daughter cells: 2 or 4 Type of division: Meiosis or Mitosis Type of cell: Somatic of Gametes
Meiosis Quiz Put away all of your notes.
Make sure you use your protocol when answering questions.
Friday – Warm-up: Take out your Meiosis Warm-up Problems Handout and answer # 2 using your sticky note and the Protocol for MC Questions. REMINDERS If you missed the Meiosis Quiz yesterday, be sure to make it up ASAP.
Warm-up Which situation is a result of crossing-over during meiosis?
_____________________ genes are duplicated exactly, ensuring that offspring will be identical to the parents chromatids thicken and align themselves, helping to ensure genetic continuity genes are rearranged, increasing the variability of offspring chromatids fail to sort independently, creating abnormal chromosome numbers
What do you notice about these 2 individuals?
Do you see any physical signs that a mutation may have occurred? How might these mutations have occurred?
Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome
Down’s Syndrome
Meiosis and Genetics Packet – pg. 3
mom dad Count the # of chromosomes in this human karyotype. Chromosomes are always numbered from biggest to smallest. Lets # them! Remember: You get set from your mom and one from your dad. Human Karyotype Is this cell diploid or haploid? Diploid: 2n Haploid: n
Meiosis and Genetics Packet – pg. 3
mom dad Autosomes are all of the chromosomes besides the sex chromosomes. This includes pairs 1-22 in humans. Draw a square around each pair of autosomes. Make a note that the square represents autosomes. Human Karyotype Key □: autosome
Meiosis and Genetics Packet – pg. 3
mom dad Sex chromosomes are the last pair. The X chromosome is always larger than the Y chromosome. Identify the sex. Male: XY Female: XX Draw a circle around each pair of sex chromosomes. Make a note that the circle represents sex chromosomes. Human Karyotype Key □: autosome O: sex chromosome
Meiosis and Genetics Packet – pg. 4
Complete practice problems #1-3 found in SECTION 4 of your packet on your own. Karyotype 1 Circle: male or female Proof: _____________ Total # of chromosomes: _____ Disorder: yes or no If disorder, what kind: ____________________ Y chromosome 47 Kleinfelter’s (2 Xs)
Meiosis and Genetics Packet – pg. 4
Karyotype 1 Circle: male or female Proof: _______________ Total # of chromosomes: _____ Disorder: yes or no If disorder, what kind: ____________________ no Y chromosome 45 Turner’s (no Y)
Meiosis and Genetics Packet – pg. 4
Karyotype 1 Circle: male or female Proof: _______________ Total # of chromosomes: _____ Disorder: yes or no If disorder, what kind: ____________________ no Y chromosome 47 Down’s Syndrome aka. Trisomy 21
Meiosis and Genetics Packet – pg. 4
Karyotype 1 Circle: male or female Proof: _______________ Total # of chromosomes: _____ Disorder: yes or no If disorder, what kind: ____________________ no Y chromosome 46
Find the mutation…
Turners Syndrome 1 in 5,000 births 45 chromosomes X only
#23 Monosomy Nondisjunction
Turners Syndrome 96-98% do not survive to birth No menstruation
No breast development No hips Broad shoulders and neck
Find the mutation…
Cri-Du-Chat Syndrome 1 in 216,000 births 46 chromosomes XY or XX
#5 Deletion of lower arm
Cri-Du-Chat Syndrome Moon-shaped face Heart disease Mentally retarded
Malformed larynx Normal lifespan
Find the mutation…
Aniridia-Wilms Tumor Syndrome
1 in 50,000,000 births 46 chromosomes XY or XX #11 Deletion of upper arm
Aniridia-Wilms Tumor Syndrome
Mentally retarded Growth retarded Blindness Tumors on kidneys Short lifespan
Find the mutation…
Thirteen Q Deletion Syndrome
1 in 500,000 births 46 chromosomes XY or XX #13 Deletion of lower arm
Thirteen Q Deletion Syndrome
Mentally retarded Deformed face No thumbs Heart disease Short lifespan
Find the mutation…
Prader-Willi Syndrome
1 in 5,000,000 births 46 chromosomes XY=97% XX=3% #15 Deletion of lower arm
Prader-Willi Syndrome
Small bird-like head Mentally retarded Respiratory problems Obesity Short lifespan
Find the mutation…
Eighteen Q Deletion Syndrome
1 in 10,000,000 births 46 chromosomes XY or XX #18 Deletion of lower arm
Eighteen Q Deletion Syndrome
Mentally retarded Heart disease Abnormal hands and feet Large eyes Large ears Normal lifespan
Exit Ticket Put all of your notes away.
Complete the following exit ticket by filling in the blanks associated with the karyotype you’ve been given. When you finish, please flip it over.
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