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Section 3 British - French.

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1 Section 3 British - French

2 Did You Know? Washington lost most of his teeth over years by cracking Brazil nuts between his jaws. First set of dentures = cow’s teeth Second set of dentures = hippopotamus tusk Held in place by being attached to his one remaining tooth

3 British-French Rivalry
Grew as both expanded into each other’s territories In 1740s, British fur traders built fort at Pickawillany in Ohio River country In 1752, French attacked and drove British out French built several more forts along Ohio River valley to protect what claimed to be their fur-trading territory

4 Fighting Continues In 1740, French troops raided towns in Maine, NY
British captured French fortress at Louisbourg (north of Nova Scotia) in retaliation. Returned Louisbourg to France later


6 Native Americans Most sided with French since had better relationship
Often raided British settlements Iroquois Confederacy most powerful group in East Mohawks Seneca Cayuga Onondaga Oneida Remained independent until mid-1700s when British gained certain trading rights in Ohio Valley

7 American Colonists Take Action
1753 = Virginia governor Robert Dinwiddie sent Washington into Ohio Valley to push French out (not successful) Spring of 1754 = Washington returned as lieutenant with 150 men to build fort near Pittsburgh French already there building Ft. Duquesne Established Ft. Necessity nearby French surrounded Washington’s soldiers and forced them to surrender (later let them go back to Virginia)

8 George Washington Even though defeated, fame spread throughout colonies and Europe because he stood up to French

9 Representatives Group met in Albany, NY, to discuss possible war threat with French Adopted Albany Plan of Union suggested by Ben Franklin No colonies approved plan because no colony wanted to give up power

10 French and Indian War Series of clashes
Colonists called it this because fighting two wars French Native Americans (allies of French)

11 The Life and Times: George Washington www. player. discoveryeducation
The Life and Times: George Washington

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