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Regulating Empresarios & Settlers

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1 Regulating Empresarios & Settlers
Colonization Laws Regulating Empresarios & Settlers

2 COLONIZATION LAWS Why do you need colonization laws?
Mexico wanted to make sure settlers were loyal to Mexico-not to the US Mexico wanted to keep the settlement of frontiers orderly Mexico wanted to provide incentives for people to come to Texas

3 Colonization Laws National Colonization Law
Passed by the Mexican Congress after the Constitution of 1824 Gave states the power over colonization except that settlers couldn’t settle close to the coast or international borders and that the Congress reserved the right to end colonization when it wanted State Colonization Law 1825 (Coahuila y Tejas) Gave a league of land for each head of a family Allowed the governor to enter into contracts with empresarios to settle families Colonists lived tax free for ten years Colonists acquired Mexican citizenship by settling Foreigners were required to sign an oath of loyalty and that they were Christian (not required that they be Catholic but it was the only legal religion)

4 Empresarios & Colonization Laws
Empresarios first got a contract with the governor to bring a certain number of families to a specific area of Texas Empresarios advertised outside Mexico for settlers willing to come. Settlers paid for their land over time (4¢ an acre over 6 years compared to $1.25 an acre paid immediately in the US) Once empresarios brought all their families to Texas they received extra land and their contract was complete. Empresarios also made money on their colonies by charging settlers for surveying and providing needed supplies

5 SFA had these in addition
Spain’s requirements for Settlers: Must become Texas citizens Must take an oath of allegiance to Mexico Must become Catholic Austin had Strict Requirements for Settlers: Spain’s requirements, plus: Must have good moral character As a result, he ended up with a rock-solid, reliable group of pioneers.

6 Why did MX pass the Law? Mexico wanted to control imports/exports
Mexico wanted to control immigration Allowing Anglo settlers to gradually pay for their land encouraged settlers to move to Mexico Being exempt from taxes on land encouraged settlers to move to Mexico Mexico wanted to spread the Catholic Religion

7 What effect did this have on settlers?
Settlers were unhappy because they had to travel farther to visit friends and family in the U.S. This greatly helped Anglo settlers because they could use that money on other things. Anglo settlers were unhappy because it made travel and trade more difficult This greatly helped Anglo settlers because they didn’t have to pay it all off at once and could use the land to help them make the money to pay for their debt. Settlers took this oath of loyalty but it was not enforced and Anglo settlers often ignored it.


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