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Starter Categorise the population pyramids

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Presentation on theme: "Starter Categorise the population pyramids"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter Categorise the population pyramids
Where along the continuum would you find these population pyramids? Why?


3 Population structure varies from place to place and over time
Learning Objective: To know the features of a population pyramid To be able to understand how fertility and mortality rates and migration affect population structures To be able to explain the impact of migration and population structure

4 Population Structure varies from place to place
Read the case study: Compare the population densities of East Anglia and the Highlands of Scotland Why do you think they are different even though they are both rural regions of the UK?

5 The Rural- Urban Continuum
Different areas have been identified based on journey times in minutes from London’s North Circular Road What factors could distort the rural-urban continuum?.

6 Socio-economic Status
Physical Environment Function Policies- Green belts Socio-economic Status Dwelling type and household size Policies- Planning Permission

7 Population Characteristics
Task: Draw a population pyramid that you would expect in a more developed country and annotate it

8 Starter List factors that can affect population structure in the UK and a contrasting place of your choice

9 Predict the shape of the population pyramid
Country Stage Fertility Rate Mortality Rate Australia 4 1.8 3.6 Japan 5 1.42 2.1 Turkey 2.17 10.8 UK 1.81 3.9 USA 1.86 6.0 China 1.67* 10.6 Brazil 3 1.720 14.3 India 2 2.480* 40.9 Mexico 2.200 13.0 Israel 3/4 3.080 3.1 Germany 1.45 Ethiopia 1 4.46 41.4 Egypt 3.33 20.3 Kenya 4.37 35.5 What is the pattern? Can you link it to development? Discuss your predictions Compare to reality

10 Homework: The impact of international migration
Population structure: Portugal Internal migration: (China) What caused the change in these places?

11 Plenary How can fertility, mortality and migration rates affect population structures? Homework: Explain why population density varies within UK rural regions (6 marks)

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