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Three Cups of Tea Tic-Tac-Toe Projects: Complete the map and any other two which make a complete row. You are an architect planning to build a new school.

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Presentation on theme: "Three Cups of Tea Tic-Tac-Toe Projects: Complete the map and any other two which make a complete row. You are an architect planning to build a new school."— Presentation transcript:

1 Three Cups of Tea Tic-Tac-Toe Projects: Complete the map and any other two which make a complete row. You are an architect planning to build a new school for a village in Pakistan. Create a blueprint for this school. You need to draw this to scale. Write an epic poem about Greg’s travels in this book. An epic tells a story, has a hero, and is a long poem which rhymes. Choose 2 foods mentioned in the book, research and find a recipe for them. Write them out in recipe format. Write a newspaper story in proper newspaper story format about Greg’s kidnapping and its outcome. Create a map of Pakistan with all the key towns, villages, mountain ranges, rivers, etc. Include a map key. Compare your height to the height of K2. How many of “you” would it take to reach the height of K2? Write your findings and how you figured it on paper. Figure out the approximate mileage between Greg’s home in Montana to Korphe in Pakistan. Write your findings and how you figured it out on paper. Rewrite Greg and Tara’s “love story.” Embellish it with details not mentioned in the book to make it sound like a “love novel.” Research the ibex and write a report giving important information about this mammal. Include a picture.

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