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ORCA Spring Meeting Tuesday, May 9, 2017 9:30am to 4:00pm  at Ryerson's TRSM Commons (1-148 & 1-150) 55 Dundas Street West.

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Presentation on theme: "ORCA Spring Meeting Tuesday, May 9, 2017 9:30am to 4:00pm  at Ryerson's TRSM Commons (1-148 & 1-150) 55 Dundas Street West."— Presentation transcript:

1 ORCA Spring Meeting Tuesday, May 9, :30am to 4:00pm  at Ryerson's TRSM Commons (1-148 & 1-150) 55 Dundas Street West

2 Ryerson University - Business Validation Canvas
11) Commercialization Strategy: Best path to commercialize the technology or service solution (license, startup)? 12) X Factor: How would people and the planet benefit from your product? 5) Target customers: For whom you are going to create value? What do customers want – have you asked them? 2) Proposed solution: How are you going to improve the status quo? 7) Barrier to entry: How are you going to create exclusivity (patent, know-how, exclusive supply chain, trade secret)? 9) Distance to market & required resources: What do you need to achieve to enter the market? What is the cost to get there? Source of money? How long would it take? Missing team/talent members? 1) Problem: What are the existing pain point(s) for your customer? 8) Freedom to operate: Are there 3rd party IP rights that could block you from entering the market? Can you get around it? Would you need other rights to enter the market? 4) Unique value proposition: What do you offer that others don’t? A single, clear, compelling reason that you product/solution is different and worth buying. 6) Market: Timing – Why now? How big is the market? What is your share of market? Who are your competitors? Path to your customers? 10) Revenue potential: How much money do you expect to make over 3-5 years after product release? 3) Existing solutions: How are they solving the problem today? Ryerson University - Business Validation Canvas

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