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Moving Forward With the 6th School

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Presentation on theme: "Moving Forward With the 6th School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving Forward With the 6th School
A collaborative planning process co-sponsored by Chuck Lief, President, Jerry Colonna, Board Chair and Carol Blackshire-Belay, Provost

2 The 6th School Opportunity
School of Professional and Continuing Education Naropa’s Strategic Plan Challenging Social, Economic and Environmental Issues Growing Relevance of Contemplative Education Naropa’s Founding Vision Naropa’s History and 40th Anniversary Naropa’s Future Contribution

3 Possible 6th School Elements
Continuing Professional Education (e.g. health care, education, non-profit management, social entrepreneurship, counseling) Courses for the Community (including on line and Denver) Events and Conferences Certificate Programs Center for Advancement of Contemplative Education Research Institute Business and Economics/Leadership Institute Opportunities for fundraising and development 

4 A Collaborative Process
Engage Stakeholders (Faculty, Staff, Board, Students, Community, Partners) Explore Opportunities, markets, new ideas Convene Stakeholders in “Future Search” conference to discover common ground Develop Ideas into a 1-3 year strategy for the 6th School Enact Present plan to cabinet and board for approval , link to 40th anniversary and begin implementation in Fall, 2013 Jan Feb March April May

5 Desired Outcomes Naropa’s unique value proposition in the emerging professional development marketplace is clarified Naropa’s founding vision and values are articulated and form the basis for the creation of the 6th school Input from key stakeholders (such as past, present and potential students and faculty, board members and staff) is incorporated into the plan Relationships are strengthened A realistic draft vision, plan and budget for the first 2-3 years of operations is drafted Programs that could be launched during the 40th anniversary are identified

6 The Future Search What is a “Future Search”?
A task-focused, multiday event in which stakeholders from across a system convene to discover common ground and then determine concrete actions based on that common ground. Future Search Principles include: Whole System in the room The “Big Picture” as context for local action Focus on the future and common ground – not problems and conflicts Self-management and responsibility for actions Benefits and Outcomes: Creates a shared vision and action plan for all Participants take personal responsibility Fast implementation of action plans Lasting relationships among stakeholders

7 The Future Search Agenda
Focus on the Past Where we’ve been – highlights and milestones Focus on the Present External trends Response to external trends Focus on the Future Creating a preferred future Common Ground and Action Revealing common ground Action Plans: Establishing and committing to action based on common ground

8 Who Should Attend? Stakeholders of the “6th School” needed to “bring the whole system into the room” 60-80 representatives from the following groups: Faculty Staff Board Students Responsibilities Attend the whole event Be yourself and engage Take responsibility for your actions and commitments Alumni Donors Lineage holders Community Partners

9 Questions (Academic Council)
What benefits do you see with this approach? What are your concerns and suggestions? What is the best way to engage the faculty and staff in this process?

10 Questions (Community Talk)
What excites and inspires me most about Naropa that I would like to see shared with the wider community/world? What tangible benefits could the 6th school provide to society? What ideas do I have about what the 6th school could offer and how it could be offered?

11 Thank You!

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