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Shawlands Academy Department Of Technical Education

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1 Shawlands Academy Department Of Technical Education
Graphic Communication

2 Measured Perspective The given views show the Front Elevation and End Elevation of a house. Draw a measured perspective of the house from the given spectator point Eye Level Ground Level Picture Plane Spectator Point

3 Finding Vanishing Points
Start by finding the two vanishing points. Extend the eye level, ground and picture plane lines across the drawing. Vanishing Point 1 Vanishing Point 2 EL Draw a line from the spectator point until it reaches the picture plane at each side of the drawing. These lines should be drawn parallel to the sides of the house. GL PP Draw a vertical line through these points. Indicate the points where these lines cross the eye level line – these are the vanishing points required. SP

4 Finding Height Lines Height Line 1 Using the edges of the building, project lines up to the picture plane, and then vertically to find a height line at each side of the drawing. Height Line 2 VP1 VP2 EL GL PP SP

5 Projecting Heights VP1 VP2 EL GL PP SP HL 2 HL1 Add the heights of the building onto each of the height lines. This is best done in stages so that the drawing is easier to read. Start with the building and later the heights for the windows and doors can be added.

6 Drawing House Gable VP1 VP2 EL GL PP SP HL 2 HL1 Taking one wall at a time, project lines from the spectator point through the corners of the wall to the picture plane. Where the picture plane and the projected lines cross draw vertical lines. These lines will guide you for the position of the wall and for the ground line and roof height on the house.

7 Drawing House Gable (2) VP1 VP2 EL GL PP SP HL 2 HL1 To find the outline of the wall, lines need to be projected from the vanishing point through the correct height points until they cross the vertical lines just drawn. As these drawings can become quite complicated it is wise to darken the edges as you find them, although take care that all the edges being darkened are visible at the end.

8 Drawing Front Wall VP1 VP2 EL GL PP SP HL 2 HL1 To draw the front wall of the house the same process is carried out. Not all of the lines for this wall will be darkened at this stage as the porch in front of the house still has to be added and this will hide some of the lines.

9 Drawing Roof VP1 VP2 EL GL PP SP HL 2 HL1 To draw the roof of the house the same process is carried out.

10 Porch Gable - Method 1 VP1 VP2 EL GL PP SP HL 2 HL1 There are two different ways to construct the gable of the porch. (The projection lines used to construct the house have been deleted for clarity.) Find the vertical lines for the porch. This is done in the same way as the lines for the main house. Find the height of the roof where it meets the house wall. This requires the projection line from VP1 to change direction when it meets the front corner of the house and project towards VP2 . Find the distance that the porch projects forward from the house

11 Porch Gable – Method 1 VP1 VP2 EL GL PP SP HL 2 HL1 To draw the front of the porch it is necessary for the height of the roof at the front to be found. Project from VP1 through the height point and draw across the gable. When any corner of the building is reached the projected line changes to the other VP. This means that the projected line will change direction at the house front corner and the corner where the porch and house meet. Darken the edges to complete the gable of the porch.

12 Porch Gable - Method 2 The second method requires a new height line to be constructed, using the gable edge on the plan to find its position. HL1 HL3 HL 2 VP1 VP2 EL In this version the height of the gable points can now be found by projecting directly from VP1 onto the vertical lines for the corners. GL PP When the gable has been constructed, darken in the required edges. SP

13 Porch Roof The remainder of the porch roof can now be completed.
VP1 VP2 EL GL PP SP HL 2 HL1 The remainder of the porch roof can now be completed. Firstly draw the vertical lines for each of the corners Now project the lines from the gable to VP2 to find the shape of the roof structure.

14 Completing Porch VP1 VP2 EL GL PP SP HL 2 HL1 The porch can now be completed by adding the final lines for the front surface. The porch can be darkened in and the remaining visible ground lines of the main building can be added to complete the main outline of the building.

15 Windows and Doors VP1 VP2 EL GL PP SP HL 2 HL1 The doors and windows are positioned following the same procedures. (The existing construction lines have again been removed for clarity) Firstly, you will need to mark the positions of each window and door on to the plan view and the required heights onto the height line if this has not already been done. Project lines through each of the plan points up to the PP and then project vertical lines through each. Project from VP1 through the height points onto the gable of the building. Locate the position and shape of each door or window and darken the outlines.

16 Windows and Doors VP1 VP2 EL GL PP SP HL 2 HL1 The windows and doors on the front of the building are found in the same way.

17 Windows and Doors VP1 VP2 EL GL PP SP HL 2 HL1 To complete the drawing the window and door on the porch are added.

18 The Completed Drawing VP1 VP2 EL GL PP SP HL 2 HL1 This final slide shows what the completed house should look like.

19 PowerPoint Presentation produced by John McRae, Nairn Academy 2003
Department Of Technical Education PowerPoint Presentation produced by John McRae, Nairn Academy 2003

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