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Safer and Stronger Communities

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Presentation on theme: "Safer and Stronger Communities"— Presentation transcript:

1 Safer and Stronger Communities

2 Stuart Beaumont Chief Inspector
Head of Community Safety Lee Russell

3 Kent 1.38m population - one of the largest counties in UK
71% live in urban areas or towns. 12.2% with no qualifications Only 18.5% of Kent’s households fit the “traditional family”. Greater proportions of 5-14 & 50+ than national average. 5.3% Black & Minority Ethnic people. 30,000 disabled & older people supported in living independently 17.3% long-term limiting illness.

4 Kent 18 towns, 1 city, 300+ parishes 85% land classified as rural.
Areas among the 20% most & the 20% least deprived in UK 250 miles of coastline. Dover: 15m passengers p/a, 60% passenger vehicles in UK travel thru Kent p/a

5 Governance of Kent IT’S COMPLICATED! 1 County Council 1 Police Service
12 District Authorities 360 + Parish Councils


7 Last year, crime rates continued to fall…
Total Crime Domestic Burglary Violent Crime Vehicle Crime Criminal Damage 7.5% 3.9% 5.4% 8.3% 11.8% …and are lower than the rest of England!

8 Chief Inspector Lee Russell
Policing with our communities in Kent

9 Kent Police Community Safety Units
Kent Police has six Areas – each has Response Teams Specialist Teams (crime/intelligence Neighbourhood Teams Neighbourhood Task Team Community Safety Units

10 Neighbourhood policing supports our communities
350 Neighbourhood Police Officers 382 Police Community Support Officers 14 District Neighbourhood Task Teams

11 Addressing Community Concerns – in partnership

12 Working with Young People to tackle violent Crime

13 Working together and learning together
The Chair of The Kent Police Authority – Mrs Barnes and The Chief Constable of Kent Mr Fuller Supporting our work with young people

14 Challenging a culture of underage drinking

15 Working with schools to tackle Anti-Social Behaviour
25,000 students attended the 2009 Kent Police School Tour.

16 Stuart Beaumont Head of Community Safety

17 Young People The Reality
There are 148, year olds living in Kent of whom only 3,681 committed criminal offences in 2009 Which is only 2.5% of the year old population)

18 Social Capital Relationships matter
Trust between individuals…strangers…social fabric Face-to-face encounters Connections Social networks “Civic virtue” Robert D Putnam (2000) Bowling Alone

19 Community Wardens How much does it cost? £2.9m Swedish Kroner 33.41m

20 Where are they?



23 New Maths Wardens have spent 71.3% of their time providing advice, reassurance, visits, surgeries or a visible presence to their communities

24 New Maths in one year: There were 28,986 instances of Partnership Working. Wardens were involved 38,316 activities, incidents, queries or interactions with the public.

25 New Maths 95% of residents surveyed stated that they felt very safe or fairly safe living in Kent.


27 New Maths 90% of those surveyed who had dealings with a KCC Community Warden, were satisfied with the assistance they received.

28 Chair, Neighbourhood Watch

29 Businessman, Tenterden

30 Police Superintendent

31 Elderly lady

32 Resident, Eccles

33 “If you want to go fast, travel alone, but if you want to go far,
travel together.” African proverb

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