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UCMAS: A cognition tool

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1 UCMAS: A cognition tool
ˌkäɡˈniSH(ə)n/ Noun the mental process of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment.

2 Cognitive skills enhanced by UCMAS abacus training

3 Executive functions of brain

4 Raven's Progressive Matrices
Theories… Raven's Progressive Matrices This task is designed to measure the test-taker's reasoning ability, the educative ("meaning-making") component of a person’s general intelligence.

5 Shepard & Metzlar’s Mental Rotation
Theories… Shepard & Metzlar’s Mental Rotation This task is designed to measure the test-taker's perception, spatial processing and general intelligence.

6 Varied tasks given to UCMAS students (subjects)
Purpose: To test general mental ability, simple arithmetic skills, place value concepts, etc.

7 Physical Abacus Assessment
Tasks… Sums done with the help of physical abacus to test whether children have learned to use it. Physical Abacus Assessment

8 Tasks… Computer Games Dot array (number) comparison – If the number of dots displayed in consecutive patterns have changed Dot array estimation – Out of the two images which image pattern has changed Verbal memory Spatial memory – Check to see if the position of two subsequent dots within an image has changed.

9 Observation Expert users of mental abacus (MA) exhibit astonishing calculation abilities, perhaps because MA relies on a unique visuo-spatial format of representation. It was found that students doing MA training showed a significant advantage across a range of arithmetic tasks relative to controls, and that MA training was associated with differential gains in problem solving (reasoning ability), mental rotation (perception), working memory, and improvement in attention and focus. Children’s spatial working memory and other pre-existing skills mediated their ability to learn MA and reap its benefits.

10 Conclusion UCMAS mental abacus program helps enhance the cognitive skills of a child. The degree of improvement within a child depends upon his/ her pre-existing abilities coupled with systemic approach towards the program

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