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1 Religion

2 Gods and Goddesses The Romans were influenced by Greece and believed that gods and goddesses who controlled the affairs of the world. There were six gods and six goddesses. Some gods were just Roman versions of Greek gods. Several planets in our solar system were named after Roman gods.

3 Gods Jupiter King of the gods and god of the sky and weather. Neptune
God of the sea and earthquakes. Apollo God of the sun and prophecy. Mercury God of communications, business, and trade. Vulcan God of metalworking. Mars God of war.

4 Goddesses Juno Queen of the gods and goddess of women. Minerva
Goddess of science and crafts. Ceres Goddess of agriculture. Vesta Goddess of fire. Diana Goddess of the moon, hunting, and fertility. Venus Goddess of love

5 Continue… Along with the main gods, Romans believed in minor gods (spirits). Spirits were everywhere-in fire, water, stones and trees. The success and happiness of a family depended on the household spirits, so sacrifices to the spirits were regularly made. The most important spirits were called lares and were the family ancestors who protected the household.

6 Religious Beliefs And Practices
The Romans honored their gods and sought their good will by festivals and rituals such as sacrifices like Greece. The people held religious festivals every month except September and November. The Saturnalia was one of the most popular festival, it was held each December in honor of Saturn, the god of agriculture and the father of Jupitor.

7 Continue… Masters and Slaves changed places with their slaves during the festival and people exchanged gifts, it was kind of Christmas today. Roman Priests were officials of the state, elected by the people. The chief priest within the hierarchy was called the Ponifex Maximus Some god and goddess had their own priest called flamens. The Roman believed in omens, curses, spells, and form of astrology

8 Death and the Underworld
The Romans did not believe that the afterlife necessarily promised happy immortality. Like the Greeks, they believed the spirit of the dead passed to an underworld, called Hades. When the Roman’s died, family members washed the body with warm water anointed it with sweet-smelling oils, and dressed the body in white. They then placed it on a funeral couch so that relatives and friend could pay their last respects.

9 Continue… Since poor people could seldom afford a proper funeral, they buried their dead at night in a common grave without a ceremony. But for those who could afford the costs, professional undertakers would organize a funeral.

10 Christianity When Christianity began in the first century the Romans dismissed it as a minor Jewish sect, centered in Jerusalem. Originally, Christianity was based on Judaism, a monotheistic religion that taught that one true God governed all aspects of life. God’s word was recorded in a sacred book (The Torah), and God’s law (The Ten Commandments). Around 30 CE, Jesus Christ began teaching that the prophecies in the Torah were being fulfilled.

11 Continue… The Kingdom of God had come to earth. Jesus’ followers believed that he was the son of god and their own personal savior. He preached kindness, compassion for others, and faith in a loving, forgiving God.

12 Christianity Jesus angered Roman officials because people believed he was the Messiah who came to free the Jewish people from Roman Rule. Jesus was betrayed by one of his followers, arrested and crucified for claiming to be the “King of the Jews”. By 395 CE Christianity spread throughout the Empire and became the official religion on Rome.

13 The video…

14 Comparison Greece Both Rome Believed in gods and goddesses
Practiced their religion individually Practiced their religion in groups Believed in omens, curses, superstitions. Believed the spirit of the dead passed to an underworld.

15 Page 232 #1 How did the Greeks and Etruscans influence Roman religion?

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