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Formative Assessment: What’s the Point?

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Presentation on theme: "Formative Assessment: What’s the Point?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Formative Assessment: What’s the Point?
Stephanie Dieker-Blanchard Science Teacher, Raymore-Peculiar School District 2015 Powerful Learning Conference

2 What is formative assessment?

3 Are these formative assessments?
Homework Quiz Project Lab Class discussion “Exit” ticket End of unit exam

4 What is Assessment FOR Learning?
Discussion Versus Assessment OF Learning

5 Assessment for Learning in the Classroom
Help students understand where they are in the learning process and what they still need to work on to improve

6 Assessment for Learning in the Classroom
Reduce emphasis on getting it right the first time Increase emphasis on truly learning and understanding

7 Components of Assessment For Learning
Clear Learning Targets Formative Assessments Feedback/Self-Assessment

8 Clear Learning Targets
Student-friendly language Ask student input on wording Define terminology Show student work examples

9 Formative Assessment in the Classroom
Formative assessment = “inform” students AND you of their progress Can be anything throughout the learning/unit—they do not have to be formal

10 Formative Assessment in the Classroom
Formative assessments SUPPORT learning Occurs regularly during the course of study/unit/learning Based on learning targets

11 Important components of formative assessment
Springboard for conversations with students Where they are and where they need to go Help facilitate student learning and adjust teaching For both teachers AND students

12 Important components of formative assessment
View formative assessment as a learning experience, not a grade-based assignment Take pressure off students to just get work done and put focus on UNDERSTANDING & LEARNING It is OKAY to make mistakes while learning

13 Starting to use formative assessment
Can be easily incorporated into what you already do Does not have to be formal/written You probably already do it Make it purposeful & intentional

14 Technology & Formative Assessment
Technology is a great tool to help support formative assessment Google forms Socrative Kahoot Infuse Learning

15 Descriptive Feedback A key component of using formative assessment effectively Focus on the task, not the person Include both strengths and what can be improved upon Provided DURING learning process

16 Descriptive Feedback Feedback may need to include re-teaching
Do NOT do the thinking/corrections for the student—allow them time to process and figure out a solution on their own

17 Descriptive Feedback Written comments Brief conversation/dialogue
Highlighting “Coding” Peer feedback/peer review

18 How to Use Formative Assessment for Student Learning
Student tracking Self-assessment Goal-setting Re-Teaching (where necessary)

19 Summative Assessment (A of L)
Assessment OF Learning Summative assessments VERIFY learning Summative assessments are meant to formally assess students on what they have learned Occur at the END of learning Can be formative… For a grade

20 Questions?

21 Resources Chappuis, J. (2009). Seven strategies of Assessment for Learning. Boston: Pearson. Chappuis, S. & Chappuis, J. (December 2007). The Best Value in Assessment. Educational Leadership, Chappuis, J., Stiggins, R. Chappuis, S. & Arter, J. (2012). Classroom Assessment for Learning: Doing It Right—Using it Well. Boston: Pearson Marzano, R.J. (2006). Classroom Assessment and Grading that Work. Alexandria, VA: ACSD.

22 Resources Marzano, R.J. (2010). Formative Assessment and Standards-Based Grading. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Research Lab. O’Connor, K. (2011). A Repair Kit for Grading: 15 Fixes for Broken Grades. Boston: Pearson. Schimmer, T. (2012). Ten Things that Matter from Assessment to Grading. Toronto: Pearson. Black, P. & William, D. (1998). Inside the Black Box: Raising standards through classroom assessment. King’s college: London.

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