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Stem Cells and Differentiation

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Presentation on theme: "Stem Cells and Differentiation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stem Cells and Differentiation

2 You have more than 200 types of cells in your body right now!

3 But you started out as one tiny cell
How does one cell become a whole person?

4 Stem Cells! Embryos are made of pluripotent stem cells that can become any type of cell in the body Stem cells also come from: umbilical cords, bone marrow, and fat tissue

5 As stem cells grow, they become different types of adult cells
this is called “differentiation”

6 Stem cells have feelings…
they can feel what is going on around them in their environment this makes changes to their DNA and tells them what type of cell to become

7 All cells have the same organelles, but…
they can be different shapes and sizes they can use some organelles more than others

8 Scientists try to tell cells what to do
they take stem cells and give them certain information in their environment like if they were in the body scientists are starting to make new body parts, though there is still more work to do!

9 Activity! you are a stem cell, what type of cell will you become??

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