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Translation & Dissemination of

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1 Translation & Dissemination of
PACIFIC NORTHWEST AGRICULTURAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER fishing • farming • forestry Promoting Safe and Sustainable Agricultural Workplaces and Communities Translation & Dissemination of Practical Solutions for Pesticide Safety & Heat-Related Illness Research: Evaluation & Impact ISASH June 2016 K Galvin, P Palmández, M Harrington, P Sampson, R Bibabdi, J Spector, R Fenske University of Washington, School of Public Health I am going to talk about the results from a study that evaluated Large audience presentations used to disseminate research results You can say this was a study that studied the dissemination of study results. (800)

2 Background Definitions
Experts: Ag workers with the day-to-day operational expertise – orchard managers and pesticide handlers. Expert Working Group (EWG): Participatory collaboration between experts & research team members. Practical Solution: work practice, tool, or facility that makes work easier and serves as a safety measure. What is a practical solution? A practical solution is a work practice, tool, or facility that makes work easier for pesticide handlers; it is also a safety measure. The solutions in this guide were found or developed with the help of handlers, managers, and safety educators in Washington state. We identified these solutions as practical if they were Useful • Compatible with work activities • Convenient for handlers and management • Adaptable and affordable for other workplaces. Pesticide Safety – It for pesticide handler HRI – ag workers which can include handlers.

3 Background This guide is ‘pure gold’!
Practical Solutions for Pesticide Safety guide Experts said the solutions needed to be Practical Farm based Farmer speaking to farmer Source material for our Presentations was from Our PSPS guide. When we discussed with the EWG ideas for novel pesticide safety solutions, they told us - practical Talking with the EWG – Farmers make things that they need on the farm. You’ll find many novel idea’s on farms. - This guide is ‘pure gold’! --- NW Safety Professional

4 Farmer speaking to farmer
Practical Farm based Point out 3 items The idea came from farmers/handlers Evidence to support use Instructions for set up and use Farmer speaking to farmer Research Finding

5 Dissemination Method Large Audience Presentations
Pesticide handlers & orchard managers Venues: - Large pest control company workshop - WA State Ag Safety Day 50 Minutes Spanish & English Topics - Year 1 Pesticide Safety - Year 2 Pesticide Safety & HRI Source material for our Presentations was from Our PSPS guide. When we discussed with the EWG ideas for novel pesticide safety solutions, they told us - practical Talking with the EWG – Farmers make things that they need on the farm. You’ll find many novel idea’s on farms. -

6 Evaluation Translation messages & an r2p product
Presentations included: Solutions from the Practical Solutions for Pesticide Safety guide Pesticide & HRI safety messages based on specific research outcomes - 4 pesticide safety - 1 HRI safety Source material for our Presentations was from Our PSPS guide. When we discussed with the EWG ideas for novel pesticide safety solutions, they told us - practical Talking with the EWG – Farmers make things that they need on the farm. You’ll find many novel idea’s on farms. -

7 Messages Splash to the eyes was the most common cause of pesticide poisonings for handlers WA State Dept. of Health 2010 Pre-marking measuring cups helps to understand oz. & gal. PNASH 2012 Decontaminating application equipment may increase risk of exposure Hoffman et al. 2009 A scrub brush is better than a pressure washer for decontaminating equipment A worker is more likely to drink water if it is clear Lam et al. 2013 Source material for our Presentations was from Our PSPS guide. When we discussed with the EWG ideas for novel pesticide safety solutions, they told us - practical Talking with the EWG – Farmers make things that they need on the farm. You’ll find many novel idea’s on farms. -

8 Presentations Large audience presentations:
Evaluation Methods Large audience presentations: Pre & post-test with ARS or clickers 3 – 6 month follow-up with audience: Phone interviews

9 Evaluation Metrics

10 Dissemination: translation
Year 1 – Knowledge gained

11 Dissemination: translation
Year 1 - Knowledge retained

12 Workers are more likely to drink water if it is clear
Dissemination: translation Year 2 – Knowledge gained Workers are more likely to drink water if it is clear

13 Dissemination: translation
Year 2 – Knowledge retained

14 Dissemination: translation Knowledge retained
Marke sure water appears clean.

15 Follow-up phone interviews

16 Conclusions Large audience presentations:
1. Workplace changes and individual actions may be better metrics than knowledge factors for assessing translation Presenter: can control the message, but not the audience’s reception and ability to take action. Knowledge factors may not be the best metrics, but are easier to quantify Workplace changes and individual actions may be better, but, are harder to quantify 2. The translational value of some research may be a motivator for safety change or action. 3. Messages that come from the population receiving the results may be easier to remember

17 “Safety is the work of changing minds.
And it is not done overnight.” ~ Project participant

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