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FM54 - 400 MHz Work Plan V1 – Output FM54#8; 23 FEB 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "FM54 - 400 MHz Work Plan V1 – Output FM54#8; 23 FEB 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 FM MHz Work Plan V1 – Output FM54#8; 23 FEB 2016

2 Market requirements/operational needs PMR
Control, Coverage, group, services, choice, resilience, SRDoc under creation..(smart Grids, Smart Metering, IoT) Mission critical aspects and their importance Requirement NB/WB PMR LTE MFCN LTE Control Coverage Group Services Choice Resilience Use of CTCSS/DCS codes Use of PCI codes for LTE based PMR Migration of PMR NW towards PMR LTE Migration of PMR towards 6.25KHz Power levels required Handheld to handheld deployment DMO for LTE Simplex / duplex ? What are the needs Use of PMR channels for temporary events and talkbacks

3 Technologies, Deployment
Available Technologies (check whether covered by existing studies) NB (DPMR, DMR, TETRA, analogue, SCADA (M2M/IoT/signalling), other proprietary systems.. WB (TETRA TEDS, CDMA, NB-IoT (200 kHz LTE), others Broadband (LTE 1.4, 3, 5 MHz) Deployment options National, regional, local (regional/local networks need to be covered by the studies in SE7) Scenarios (make sure that SE7 study scenarios cover the requirements) Models (MNO, PMR shared platforms, any kind of hybrid models, ….) Sharing of spectrum Experience with implementation of LTE in MHz (Sweden/Norway/Denmark, Finland, Estonia, …) Balance PMR NB vs WB Results of compatibility studies Harmonised conditions for LTE in MHz requirements for the protection of the other (NB/WB) applications in the band (e.g. required guardbands, masks,..)

4 Mapping, 410-430 MHz, Implementation issues
Map with results of the 400 MHz survey Lack of spectrum in considerable number of countries? Need to consider alternative spectrum for PMR in the future FM54 sees no technical problems to include MHz in the ongoing studies which may cause delays of the MHz studies Timing ECC Report PMR – target date 05/2017, if later on, some aspects are not finalised, these may be ‘outsourced’ to a second Report. Implementation issues with regard to the various models Trade offs Can you implement several models in the 400 MHz at the same time? Can we have MNO style LTE alongside multiple pmr LTE deployments? Complexity of NB vs WB cross border coordination Revise PMR ECC Decisions after ECC Report in 2nd half 2017. Prepare LS to WGSE/SE7 as well as ETSI (spectrum access mechanisms) for next WGFM, encourage contributions on NB-IoT (200 kHz LTE) trade off. M (MOD ToR FM54 w.r.t MHz)

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