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The War Begins.

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1 The War Begins

2 Battle of Gonzales

3 Causes Santa Anna failed to follow the Constitution of 1824
Rising tensions between Texas and Mexico Demands that U.S. settlers at Gonzales hand over their cannon

4 Build-up Settlers buried and hid the cannon from Mexican troops
They organized a force of at least 140 men and decided to attack a Mexican force of 100 soldiers Made a flag with the challenge COME AND TAKE IT and mounted it to the cannon

5 Battle of Gonzales Was very short No Texans died
1 Mexican soldier died Mexican soldiers withdrew to San Antonio VICTORY!!!

6 Effect There was no turning back the war had begun
General Cos ordered 300 more Mexican troops to Texas to put down rebellion Volunteer armies were formed throughout Texas

7 Goliad

8 Causes War had begun no turning back
Volunteer army was created in coastal towns General Cos left fewer than 30 soldiers at Goliad

9 Battle of Goliad Volunteer Texas army of 50 soldiers attacked Goliad
Short fight occurred and the Mexican soldiers surrendered VICTORY!!!!

10 Effects More volunteer soldiers joined the Rebel Texas army
By capturing Goliad Texas rebels had cut off the Mexican army’s supply route Rebels wanted to attack General Cos at San Antonio

11 Siege on San Antonio

12 Cause Texas Rebel army had grown
General Cos and Mexican troops were gathered in San Antonio

13 Build Up Stephen F. Austin would lead the attack on San Antonio
Austin’s army were aided by Tejanos from San Antonio who disliked General Cos Tejano Juan Seguin joined the Texas Army Army had around 600 infantry soldiers Austin wanted to increase his Calvary Austin wanted to set up a defensive position outside of San Antonio and waited

14 Fight at Conception Jim Bowie and James Fannin and their search party was attacked by 400 Mexican soldiers With more accurate rifles the Texans were able to hold back the Mexican troops Texas troops won a quick and clear victory They joined up with Austin in San Antonio

15 Grass Fight Texas army began to siege San Antonio
Texas soldiers became impatient and they wanted to fight but Austin wanted to continue the siege Austin had to go to the U.S. Edward Burleson was elected to command the force The rebels attacked a Mexican force who were trying to bring supplies to San Antonio They mainly found Grass in the bags of Mexican troops because the animals in San Antonio were starving The Siege was working

16 Attack on San Antonio The siege left General Cos’s army weak
About 300 rebels joined with Ben Milam to attack the city Fighting went house to house After 4 days General Cos surrendered to the Texans

17 Effect Texas Army had forced nearly every Mexican soldier out of Texas
Many Texans believed the fight was over They thought that they could now form their own separate state within Mexico and operate under the plans of the Constitution of 1824

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