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Introducing Project 2: Monster Mesh Movie Poster!

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing Project 2: Monster Mesh Movie Poster!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing Project 2: Monster Mesh Movie Poster!
1. Brief: Students will be creating a Monster Movie Poster, combining multiple images to create something brand new, while learning our last Photoshop basics!

Brief: What’s the problem? Research: Collect Information! Concept: Sketch & Brainstorm Ideas Design: Develop final solution to the problem! Feedback & Revision: Present ideas to others and improve based on feedback! Document: Photograph work & publish for others to see!

3 2. Research Due End of Next Class!
You will be provided with a Research Organizer & a Layout Sketch Sheet Research Organizer: You will answer all the provided questions with FULL SENTENCES in YOUR OWN WORDS! I will be able to tell if you are copying! You won’t get credit if you don’t summarize in your own words! Layouts: You must create 4 IDEA sketches plotting out your movie poster. Even though we are using photos it is still important to brainstorm how to set up the scene! NO TRACING!

4 3. Concept Layout Sketch Examples
Design ALWAYS starts with pencil and paper! Tell the story of your monster! Use the mythology/origins of your monster to create its habitat/surroundings. A movie poster TELLS A STORY CLEARLY AND QUICKLY. It makes you EXCITED to see the film! These are just IDEAS. These drawings are just ROUGH SKETCHES! You do NOT need to add color, shading, or definition to your drawings. Although we are using some photographs in the final Photoshop, we still need to have an idea of how we want to arrange our image!

5 Final Layout Drawing Design ALWAYS starts with pencil and paper!
Just like our last project, you will need a final, high quality concept sketch before we move onto the computer. It will need to be fully colored, high quality, including the monster, the background, the movie title, and the credits/company logo.

6 4. Design: Project Requirements
After Research and Concept, you will combine multiple photographs to create a brand new scene! A minimum of 6 images must be used in the creation of your poster! Your project MUST have: The Monster A Background/Environment Monster Movie Name Must choose from the list provided! If you have an idea for another monster, you MUST clear it with me! Credits, Company Logo & Movie Rating There will be tutorials provided to assist you in the creation of this project. We will go step by step, and I will be here to guide you! Students must use a total of at least 6 different source photographs when creating their scene

7 5. Feedback & 6. Document 5. Feedback: We will complete a peer critique of each others’ monster mesh so we can see what our peers are doing and help them improve their work! 6. Document: We will save and submit a .psd and .jpg to the class flash drives to be displayed on the walls outside the classroom!

8 Advanced Students Alternative Project
Students are encouraged to alter the project for something that interests them or that they would like to develop, related to the topic of illustrating an entire scene. You are encouraged to look up advanced tutorials to enhance your learning. The due date is the SAME. Friday, October 30th EXAMPLE: Another option would be to complete the project similarly to the first, where you illustrate the scene by hand, rather than with photographs, using the pen tool and brush tool to add lineart and color, if that is your preference. Please clear any alternative ideas with me!


10 This presentation is available under the HUB folder Monster Mesh.
TODAY: 1. Browse the Monster List on the HUB. Choose your Monster! 2. Begin work on the research & concept sheets. These will be due by the end of next class! Make sure to clear any monsters NOT on the list with me! This presentation is available under the HUB folder Monster Mesh.

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