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Scratch, visual programming & circuits

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1 Scratch, visual programming & circuits
By Sharissa, Cherie & Amy

2 Our lesson… This is the first lesson in a Science/IT/Tech Ed unit.  Lessons to follow could explore the relationship between programming and circuits through gaming.   This lesson is adaptable for Grade 7 science, Grade 8 IT, and Grade 8 Tech Ed. For purposes of this demonstration, this will be a grade 7 science/IT unit. Why did we choose this topic?

3 Prescribed learning outcomes (PLO’s)
Technology 8 (1995): design and construct a control device that senses, switches, or regulates solve problems that come up during the design process by using various information sources Information Technology (1995) demonstrate the ability to install software apply management skills to complete a project (Grade 8 Information Technology PLO 1995) Grade 7 Science (2013 Draft) students will know and understand: electrical energy - materials to provide and store energy, current, voltage, resistance, transforming electricity, dangers and applications of electromagnetism and electromagnetic inductions students will make predictions of what the findings of their inquiry will be

4 Our objectives for this lesson
Students will be able to name the basic terms used in Scratch Students will be able to log on to account Students will be able to manipulate a given scratch program to modify sprite movement and add a sound

introduction To begin our lesson, we will watch this video to introduce the idea of Scratch.

6 Activity partners Each of you has a piece of paper with the name of an animal on it. To find your activity partner for today, make the noise that your animal makes to call out to your partner! Hint: You can keep your eyes open! Once you’ve found your partner, choose a laptop to work on between the two of you. (There will be one group of 3)

7 Part 1: Log into the scratch website
Visit Log in using the following username and password Username: DLC3 Password: DLC123

8 Part 2: scratch assignment (guided inquiry)
How can you modify your given “Sprite” character to do 3 different actions? For example, you could add an event, movement or sound.

9 Part 3: pair-share Find another pair in the class. Share your Sprite!

10 Part 4: debrief Challenges Successes Possible misconceptions

11 Where can you take this? Discuss the topics of electricity and conductivity. Dive deeper into programming. Science labs involving electricity and conductivity. Students will be able to make their own game using the Makey Makey as a touch control.

12 resource Link to our lesson plan Google Doc:

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