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Basics of English Grammar

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1 Basics of English Grammar
Nouns Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives We are going to start off the year by having a refresher course in grammar. We are going to start off with nouns and adjectives. Foundational Lesson Ms. Zumar English II

2 Contents Introduction Adjectives Summary Assessment What is a noun?
Where you are: Contents Noun Adjective Syllable Comparatives Superlatives Comparison Practice Help Dictionary Introduction What is a noun? What is an adjective? What is a syllable? Syllable – further examples Adjectives Comparative form How to built comparative forms? Superlative form How to built superlative forms? Summary Comparison chart Assessment Superlative forms Comparative forms Here is the outline of what you are going to be reviewing today. As you go along, make sure that you pause or rewind to make sure that you understand. We will also be stopping periodically so that we can check for understanding. There will be a quiz at the end of this presentation, so make sure you take your time and understand what jobs nouns and adjectives have when you are constructing a sentence.

3 What is a noun? car reading street teacher
Where you are: Contents Noun Adjective Syllable Comparatives Superlatives Comparison Practice Help Dictionary A noun is a word which refers to a person, place, thing, activity, or an idea car Nouns are the “heart” of your sentences. We will review “verbs” tomorrow, which are the “lungs” of your sentence. reading street teacher

4 There are different kinds of nouns – these are the most common

5 Then we have… These are things you can touch Can’t touch this

6 Check For Understanding
Match each noun with an adjective (you can use more than one) Noun Adjective banana dog hair Julia El Paso

7 An adjective is a word which describes something, usually a noun
What is an adjective? Where you are: Contents Noun Adjective Syllable Comparatives Superlatives Comparison Practice Help Dictionary An adjective is a word which describes something, usually a noun adjectives noun big car fast expensive

8 Syllable is a part of a word containing vowel sounds
What is a syllable? Where you are: Contents Noun Adjective Syllable Comparatives Superlatives Comparison Practice Help Dictionary Syllable is a part of a word containing vowel sounds read ing read ing Why do we care how many syllables a word has? 1st syllable 2nd syllable

9 Syllables – examples fast big cheap long hap py cra zy dir ty im por
Where you are: Contents Noun Adjective Syllable Comparatives Superlatives Comparison Practice Help Dictionary 1. One-syllable adjectives fast big cheap long 2. Two-syllable adjectives hap py cra zy dir ty The number of syllables dictates which form you will use to help describe your noun. 3. Three-syllable adjectives im por tant won der ful

10 What is a “comparative form”?
Where you are: Contents Noun Adjective Syllable Comparatives Superlatives Comparison Practice Help Dictionary Comparative form expresses the idea of ‘more’ fast -er My car is fast. Knowing how many syllables a word has helps us to put it in its comparative or superlative form. Think about how this changes the meaning of the word. But his car is faster.

11 How is a ‘comparative’ form built?
Where you are: Contents Noun Adjective Syllable Comparatives Superlatives Comparison Practice Help Dictionary How is a ‘comparative’ form built? long er one syllable adjectives two syllable adjectives ending in -ly funn y ier other two and three syllable adjectives more modern modern irregular adjectives for example ‘good’ better good

12 Check For Understanding
Change each adjective to its comparative form Adjective Comparative Form sad long goofy well Decide which adjective you would use for these nouns. Be careful, I am probably going to have you use these in a sentence, so make sure you put some thought into it. Hint: You are probably going to need to research how to change the word “well”. It is considered an irregular adjective and we will talk more about these when we get to irregular verbs tomorrow.

13 What is a “superlative form”?
Where you are: Contents Noun Adjective Syllable Comparatives Superlatives Comparison Practice Help Dictionary The superlative form expresses the idea of ‘most’ fast -est My car is fast. Your car is faster. While the comparative form expresses the idea of “more”, the superlative form of the adjective expresses the idea of “most”, Think about how this changes your sentence. But his car is the fastest.

14 How is a ‘superlative’ form built?
Where you are: Contents Noun Adjective Syllable Comparatives Superlatives Comparison Practice Help Dictionary How is a ‘superlative’ form built? long est one syllable adjectives two syllable adjectives ending in -ly funn y iest other two and three syllable adjectives modern most modern irregular adjectives for example ‘good’ best good

15 Check For Understanding
Change each adjective to its superlative form Adjective Superlative Form old goofy curly nice famous

16 Summary comparison long long er long est funny funn ier funn iest
Where you are: Contents Noun Adjective Syllable Comparatives Superlatives Comparison Practice Help Dictionary comparative superlative long long er long est funny funn ier funn iest modern more modern most modern good better best

17 Comparative / Superlative
Change each adjective to its comparative and superlative form Adjective Comparative Form Superlative Form hot kind pretty tasty perfect upset ugly




21 Exercises List of adjectives hot big thin nice pleasant young
Where you are: Exercises Contents Noun Adjective Syllable Comparatives Superlatives Comparison Practice Help Dictionary List of adjectives hot big thin nice pleasant young short intelligent lovely kind happy attractive exciting pretty unhappy good annoyed careless bad tasty perfect tired upset terrible ugly




25 Next Up!! Verbs Prepositional Phrases Clauses Good Job!!!

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