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Quito – towards a sustainable mobility

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1 Quito – towards a sustainable mobility
By Alexandra Velasco

2 Quito Population (2014): 2,671,191 hab
2,850 meters (9,350 ft) above sea level Climate: 24º C a 27º C Just 20 km from the Equator In 2008, the city was designated as the headquarters of the Union of Souht American Nations (UNASUR) The historic center of Quito has one of the largest, least-altered and best-preserved historic centers in the Americas. Quito and Krakow were the first World Cultural Heritage Sites declared by UNESCO in 1978.


4 44 km length, 4km width

5 Sustainable transport for Quito
BRT Systems The new Metro for Quito Bike sharing system Bike lanes network

6 Facts about transport in Quito
vehicles 1.8 Million daily trips in public transport 3.000 buses > excess of buses in some parts of the cities and scarcity in others 35% of trips are made by cars, 64% in public transport (1% by bike) Fuel cost: 0,39 US $ /liter, one-way public transport ticket: $US 0,25 2 types of public transport: Metrobus – Q and conventional

7 BRT systems in Quito 5 functional corridors: trolebus, ecovía, central-north corridor, southeast corridor, southwest corridor

8 Current situation of public transport in Quito
44 km

9 First line for the Metro
Longitudinal axis of 23 km length connecting Quitumbe in the south to el Labrador in the north 15 stations It will be complemented by existing BRT lines instead of competing with them. Transverse conectivity network east – west Trip time from Quitumbe to Labrador: 34 min Average commercial speed: 37 km/h 1.500 passengers per train

10 First line for the Metro

11 Line 1 - Metro Proposed route for line 1 and BRTs BRTs

12 Transverse corridorsBRTs
Line 1 - Metro Transverse corridorsBRTs

13 Not just transport but public space
El Ejido station

14 Bike sharing system of Quito

15 Bike sharing system of Quito

16 Bike lanes network for Quito
40 km existing bike lanes 40 km for expansion

17 Recommendations Transport infrastructure always should be linked to urban development plans in their area of influence Investments in infrastructure should take into account not only construction but maintenance and financial sustainability Parallel policies regarding reducing car use and promoting non-motorized transport Fuel subsidies should be focused for the poorest and be expensive for the rich people Comprehensive indicators for assesing non-motorized transport infrastructure performance

MSc. Infrastructure Planning, Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering

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