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Yorkshire Wildlife Park

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1 Yorkshire Wildlife Park
Kiveton Park Infant School March 2016 We’ve reached the end of the Spring Term. It has been a short term but it has been another busy time in School. We would like to share with you some of the learning that has taken place over the last few weeks. Lion Learners Mrs Mason’s, Mrs Grady’s and the Nursery Classes had a visit from some travelling animals. The children had the opportunity to look at and hold a variety of animals including snakes, stick insects and spiders. Some of the children were really brave! Yorkshire Wildlife Park As part of their learning about Paws, Claws and Whiskers, the Year 1 children went to visit the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. They were also invited to the Meadows Junior School to see some chicks that had recently hatched there. Conisborough Castle In the first half Term, the Year 2 children went to visit the castle to support their Learning project ‘Towers, Tunnels and Turrets.’ The children explored the castle and had the opportunity to find out more about life in the past. The year 2 children also had a visit from a Science group. They spent the day building and exploring structures using construction kits.

2 Dates for your diaries:
School Parliament This term the School Parliament have been helping us to find out what After School Clubs the children in our School would like us to run. As a result we started a new Baking Club and a Rugby Club. We are planning on starting a Gardening Club and a Film Club in the Summer Term. Dates for your diaries: Friday 18th March – School closes for Easter Monday 4th April – School opens for Summer Term Monday 2nd May – School closed for May Day Tuesday 3rd May – School closed to children INSET Thursday 26th May – School closes for half-term Monday 6th June – School opens for second half of Summer Term Tuesday 19th July – School closes for the Summer holiday. Tuesday 6th September – School opens for Autumn Term 2016 Stay and Play The Nursery parents and families have been supporting their children through stay and play activities. Adults have stayed to share books and to make Easter bonnets. World book Day A big thank you to everyone for the brilliant costumes you provided for the children to wear. All the Classes looked great and the day was a great success. Parent Suggestions There has been a suggestion from a parent that it would be nice to have certificates for children who have received a sportsmanship award. School agree that this would be a great idea and will introduce a certificate for this award.

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