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It’s Not Just about equity anymore!

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1 It’s Not Just about equity anymore!
New Approaches to Packaging financial aid. Lisa Blazer, Ph.D. – University of Texas San Antonio, NASFAA National chair Mary Sommers – University of Nebraska at Kearney

2 Why this topic? Enrollment Management – we play a vital role. The 3 Rs – Recruitment, Retention and Research Need to assess the impact of financial aid awards in attracting and retaining students. We can help our institutions meet strategic enrollment objectives and we need to be at the table for the discussions and leading efforts for enrollment management Financial Aid administrators will help institutions be strategic while also ensuring need-based aid is available to all students.

3 University of Texas San Antonio (UTSA)
Approximately 29,000 students, half are 1st generation college students, almost 50% of undergraduates are PELL eligible. Graduation rates are low and need to be improved. We have been packaging on a first-come, first-served basis for years. UTSA did not have recruitment scholarships compared to our competitors.

4 UTSA – what’s Been happening?
Graduation Rate Improvement Plan (GRIP) was created in 2011 -- Focused on improving graduation and retention rates. -- A committee looked at financial aid incentives – small scale and we weren’t at the table for the initial conversations. Fall 2013 – drop in enrollment – got everyone’s attention. GRIP – revised in 2013 Tier one Recruitment initiative Created New Awarding Philosophy, Enhanced recruitment efforts, new competitive recruitment scholarships established, Top scholars recruitment efforts, enhancing on- campus employment opportunities.

5 UTSA – Recruitment scholarship
UTSA did not have a merit-based recruitment scholarship. Looked at what competitors were doing – especially in Texas. Freshmen – Distinguished Presidential Scholarship (DPS) – started with pilot in – projected cost would be $1.2 to $1.5 million for 1 cohort annually. Likely will be $4 million a year with 4 cohorts Transfer – Distinguished Transfer Scholarship (DTS) – initially received small amount of funding of $300,00 for first cohort. Donor matching – we are awarding $500,000 per year In , we created a new Top Scholar pilot group (5 students). Full-ride scholarship plus additional programming. We are now offering 10 new students a year.

6 Dps criteria - Freshmen
Class Rank Old SAT New SAT ACT Amount Top 10% 1400 1450 32 $24,000/$6000 per year Top 15% 1300 1360 29 $16,000/$4000 per year Top 20% 1200 1270 26 $12,000/$3000 per year Top 25% $8,000/$2000 per year 8 semesters /4 years Full-time enrollment Must complete 30 hours 2.5 GPA

7 Dts criteria - Transfer
Award Amount over 2 years GPA (4.0 Scale) Renewal UTSA GPA $6000/$3000 per year 3.75 3.0 4 semester/2 years Enrolled Full-time

8 Merit scholarship results
DPS – Freshmen – awarding approximately 375 students each year Renewal rates are about the same as non-scholarship students so we need to look at improving 2nd cohort (1516) performed better Adding programming to help boost retention DTS – Transfer First year more limited funding – awarded 95 students Additional funding with initiative to increase transfer population – awarding between students in the fall and then additional students in the spring to boost enrollment

9 Awarding Philosophy Change – Beginning 2014-15
Targeted aid to students we expected to succeed. New Model: Residual Need (RN) COA – EFC = RN A percentage of RN would be met by: institutional scholarships or grants, state scholarships or grants, exemptions or waivers.

10 Awarding philosophy New Native Roadrunners – Awarded 45% of RN to guaranteed admissions students (Top 25%, 2nd Q with 1100/24+) New Native Roadrunners – Awarded 20% of RN to those who were admitted but didn’t meet guaranteed admissions criteria (holistic review for admissions). UT CAP – Awarded 20% RN and canceled institutional scholarships. Transfers – Awarded 25% of RN, but stacked any scholarships received. Current Students – continue first-come, first-serve philosophy.

Total Grants & Scholarships Number of Students % of Total Grants & Scholarships Total Grants & Scholarships Number of Students % of Total Grants & Scholarships Top 10% $3.5 million 762 26% $3.4 million 688 27% Next 15% $6.5 million 1485 49% $5.7 million 1287 45% 2nd Quartile $2.2 million 876 17% 2.2 million 746 3rd/4th Quartile $384,000 219 3% $449,000 177 4% Non-Ranking $726,000 224 5% $841,000 240 7% Total $13.4 million 3566 100% $12.7 million 3138

12 Financial Aid Awardees Overall - SAP
Total Awarded Not Making SAP % Not Making SAP Total Awarded Not Making SAP % Not Making SAP Native Roadrunners 3566 881 25% 3138 678 21% UT CAP 396 32 8% 287 17 6% Transfers 1954 250 13% 1699 186 11% Current Students 11,328 1524 10,958 1247 TOTAL 17,244 2687 16% 16,083 2128

13 Freshmen Awardees – Guaranteed Admissions – how did they do?
Total Not Meeting SAP SAT/ACT Below 1000/21 SAT ACT 21-25 SAT 1200+ ACT 25+ Top 10% 63 36 19 8 Next 15% 273 199 62 12 2nd Q 89 28 49 No Rank 20 2 14 4 TOTAL 445 265 144 Total Not Meeting SAP SAT/ACT Below 1000/21 SAT ACT 21-25 SAT 1200+ ACT 25% Top 10% 55 35 14 6 Next 15% 274 206 48 20 2nd Q 77 22 38 17 No Rank 37 3 15 19 TOTAL 443 266 115 62

14 What’s happened since? Made small changes to the DPS and the DTS Scholarship Programs DPS remained the same for For we ranked students for admissions and for the DPS. DTS – for available to all transfer students, not just TX residents and community college transfers. Leadership is considering whether we should adjust and put more money into transfer scholarships The university did commit to continuing both programs as well as the Top Scholar Program to help support recruitment and retention. The President and Development are working with donors to provide funds that UTSA will match. Thought we had permanent funding – still temporary funding – looking towards future The estimated cost for all recruitment scholarship programs will be approximately $7 million per year with 4 cohorts of DPS and 2 cohorts of DTS

15 What’s Happened since? Awarding Philosophy
– reduced to 40% RN for incoming native Roadrunners - we had a $3.6 million cut to our major TX Grant program, which impacted our overall $ availability and the number of students we could award (see previous slide) – reduced to 30% RN for incoming native Roadrunners Guaranteed admits but stacked scholarships – TX Grant funding was restored for now Renewal and amounts of awards are still being reviewed If a student completed 30 hours and maintained SAP, we awarded at a higher RN percentage Lower than 30 hours did not – not sure we were effective in how we communicated this

16 What’s coming around the bend? – new student success initiatives
CLASS – Coordinated & Linked Approach to Student Success Financial Aid is 1 of 5 pillars Looking for innovative ways to award financial aid – looking at Georgia State Ideas include: Retention Grants – micro grants to help cover small balances Guaranteed financial aid packages for 4 years – Recruitment & Retention Tool Predictive Analytics Model – provided by UT System Target our limited financial aid based on data Will be able to predict whether students will come to UTSA and eventually 1st year retention

17 University of Nebraska at kearney
6500 to 7000 students – most undergraduate Residential campus Part of the University of Nebraska System Endowment and annual giving generates around $1,800, 000

18 What was the problem? Increased dependence on tuition revenue to pay our bills. Frustration with determining the impact of our previous packaging approach. Restricted nature of endowed funds made it difficult to use to advance enrollment goals. Recent conversion to a new SIS made extracting data to analyze more difficult. Changes in the reporting structure for the Office of Financial Aid.

19 What Did we do? We hired a consultant.
We involved an existing enrollment management council and a smaller sub- committee of this group to work with us and our consultant in the weeds. We worked really hard to extract good historical data to provide to the consultant for meaningful analysis.

20 What did we learn? We had pockets of students receiving higher proportions of aid. The first problem was due in part to our merit aid strategy. We were loosing ground in our key constituency, Nebraska residents who aren’t “premiere” academic students. The issue with disproportional awards was big and couldn’t necessarily be resolved all at once. Changing our merit aid approach was a political issue and would not happen quickly. We could take baby steps in both need and merit based aid to start.

21 How did we change our packaging policy
We moved away from an equity packaging approach. We moved to a % of need with gift aid calculation. We were able to provide more grant aid to more students over a longer period of time in the awarding cycle. We didn’t anticipate this. But it has a resulted in a subtle shift in our minds, first come first served isn’t always best.

22 What have been the results?
New student enrollment for fall of 2016 was up after a down year in fall of Admissions applications were up significantly as well for fall of 2016 verses fall of 2015. For our aid applicant population our headcount was up, but our percentage yield was down (about 2.7%) Because of the level of detail we have we can tell quite specifically where there were pockets of students where our yield was lower than the year before. We’re working on determining what might have had a impact and have a working theory relating to verification. Despite more admitted students, our FAFSA filing percentage was down when compared to the prior year by 3.6%. This is something we definitely want to work on.

23 How can you do this? You have to determine as a campus community what matters to you. Is there a problem? Tuition revenue, academic profile, retention, graduation rate, need- merit balance. Think about how your packaging approach might be impacting your problem. Try to avoid thinking “microscopically”, think “macro”. Group your aid applicant pool in a way that makes sense for you and then ask questions and decide what data you need to answer them.

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