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Building Healthy Military Communities (BHMC) Pilot

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1 Building Healthy Military Communities (BHMC) Pilot
State Overview Directions: Enter State Name Minnesota

2 State DoD/VA Asset Mapping
Installations: Armories - 62 Air National Guard - 2 Coast Guard -1 Navy Reserve Center - 1 Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Communities - 95 ARNG: Family Assistance Centers -9 ANG: Airman and Family Readiness Centers - 2 USAR: Army Strong Community Centers - 0 US Army: Army Community Service Center - 0 USAREC: Soldier & Family Assistance Prg Mgrs - 0 Navy: Fleet & Family Support Centers - 0 Marine Corps: Marine Cops Community Services - 0 Marine for Life Regional Network Coordinator - 0 Marine For Life Representatives -0 Coast Guard: Office of Work Life (Family Support) - 0 OSD: Military OneSource Coordinator - 1 Military & Family Life Consultants - 0 Personal Financial Counselors (Navy) - 1 VA: VA Hospitals - 1 Vet Centers - 2 MyVA Community - 2

3 State & NG Demographics Minnesota
Total Number of Army Air Force Marine Corp Reserves Navy Reserves Coast Guard Reserves ARNG USAR ANG Reserves Military Members 11,114 3,126 2,221 1,335 471 573 31 Family Members 3,537 1,311 1,177 693 118 345 21 Child & Youth 6,954 2,534 2,064 1,215 170 661 35 Reserve Component Total Number of Army Air Force Marines Corps Navy Coast Guard Military Members 167 49 135 179 130 Family Members 138 36 101 79 Child & Youth 267 77 173 227 131 Active Component Directions: Enter numbers in chart for: Reserve Component Active Component All info found on DMDC Enter total number of all veterans in your state. Total Number of Veterans: 369,149 Sources: DMDC Report May 2016 DVA Web Site Jun 2012

4 State Outreach Initiatives
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Program (Governor Sponsored) Behavioral Health Initiative University of Minnesota – ADAPT4U Key Partners Department of Employment and Economic Development MN Military Family Foundation. Directions: List any state or community initiatives active in your state. Include a brief overview/explanation of effort/initiative. Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Program: MN’s Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Recognition Program began with a vision to synchronize community resources in support of Service Members and Military Families. It was an extension of Minnesota’s (MN) innovative Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Training which provided training and resources to returning MN Guard and Reserve Service Members and their families. In 2007, the City of Farmington, MN partnered with the MN National Guard and the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey Institute to identify ways in which key areas within a community could coordinate and synchronize resources to support, honor and recognize Service Members, Veterans and their families. Farmington documented their processes and submitted a commitment of support to the state of MN. The City of Farmington was recognized by Governor Tim Pawlenty as the first Yellow Ribbon City in December of 2008. Minnesota Mental Health Initiative (Behavioral Health): The Military Mental Health Initiative Committee (MMHIC) began about one year ago with a mission to collaborate, support and assist service members in Minnesota to obtain behavioral health services. ADAPT4U: In response to the need to reach families who – due to geographical or other barriers - may not be able to participate in ADAPT groups, we have recently developed two additional formats for the program: a self-directed online version, and a tele-health, or facilitator-enhanced version of the program, in which parents are guided through the online program with a weekly videoconference from a program facilitator. The Department of Defense recently funded this new study that we’ve called ADAPT4U. This research will compare the effectiveness of the three different delivery formats (online, group, and tele-health) of the ADAPT4U curriculum. We plan to recruit 360 families living in Minnesota and Michigan to participate in ADAPT4U. Families who agree to participate (with at least one parent who deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, and who have a child ages 5-12) will be randomized to participate. Department of Employment and Economic Development: Current or former military members, no matter the era of service, receive priority services in all WorkForce Centers (WFCs) across the state. WFC staff provide the fastest, most-effective service possible – in person or online. Minnesota Military Family Foundation: Minnesota Military Family Foundation offers needs based grants to families of service members in Minnesota.

5 Identified Gaps Access to Mental Health Need/issue description
Additional resources, counseling methods and collaboration with resource providers IOT provide support to military members and their families for mental health issues.  Action Plan Identify additional services and organizations that could accommodate the mental health needs of the military community. Participate in Minnesota Military Mental Health Initiative meetings to continue building professional relationships with the various mental health resources in support of the military community. Gaps Few and far between face-to-face service in rural/remote areas. Service members who have not yet deployed are not eligible for many current services. Most resources outside of Military OneSource support only veterans and immediate families Directions: List any gaps that you have already identified through your MOS Consultant / State Plan How are you currently addressing them?

6 Identified Gaps Financial Services Need/issue description
Service and family members across the state are in need of face-to-face financial education. Action Plan Identify and vet local resources that can provide face-to-face financial education services to service members and their families, such as non-profit and local institutions that could assist military members. Continue to build awareness of Military OneSource financial services and counseling through outreach and webinars. Gaps High demand for Personal Financial Counselors (PFC). Personal Financial Counselors are needed throughout the state to include rural/remote areas. In the past PFC positions have high turnover rate due to contract/funding. Educating/briefing service members that are new to military service, to make them aware of Military OneSource and other financial services throughout the state.

7 Identified Gaps Employment Need/issue description
The unemployment/underemployment of military service members and their spouses. Action Plan Outreach to specific employment readiness, training and support agencies to determine what is currently available and how Military OneSource resources/tools can be incorporated into their programs. Actively research options for employment services state-wide with the goal of provided State Family Program Director and call center with applicable resources. Present and actively promote virtual training sessions for key providers with details about hiring/employment readiness, support and training. Gaps Under employment for lower and higher ranking service members, as well as spouses.

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