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Sept. 9th & 10th (SPAN 2) Conjugar – to conjugate Bell ringer:

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Presentation on theme: "Sept. 9th & 10th (SPAN 2) Conjugar – to conjugate Bell ringer:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sept. 9th & 10th (SPAN 2) Conjugar – to conjugate Bell ringer:
Verb of the day: Conjugar – to conjugate On the top of the index card, write today’s date. Then write today’s verb and draw a picture to help you remember the meaning of the verb. On the back side of the same index card, write the meaning of the verb in English. Write a sentence in Spanish saying….. “I am conjugating –AR, -ER, & -IR verbs in the present tense.”

2 Padre Nuestro En el nombre del padre, el hijo, y el Espíritu Santo, Amen. Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo. Santificado sea tu nombre. Venga tu reino. Hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día. Perdona nuestras ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden. No nos dejes caer en tentación y líbranos del mal. Amen.

3 ANNOUNCEMENT: All MSM Language Belles are invited to the Summer 2015 Mercy Ambassador Trip to France, Italy, & Spain! Bring your parents with you to the informational meeting on Tuesday, September 9th at 6:00pm in the Sr. Deborah Hospitality Room.

4 Repaso: Ch. 1 Grammar Articles – definite and indefinite. What are they & when are they used? (The articles song) Rules for determining the number (Singular/Plural) & gender of nouns. How do you make a singular noun plural? Because the gender of nouns that refer to non-living things cannot be determined by foolproof rules, you should memorize the gender of each noun you learn. It is helpful to memorize each noun with its corresponding article, el for masculine and la for feminine. Another reason to memorize the gender of every noun is that there are common exceptions to the rules of gender. (For example, el mapa) Subject Pronouns (see “Doe a deer” song lyrics) -- What are they & why do we need them? The verb “Ser” (present tense) – What are the conjugations & uses? (Jason Mraz “Ser song”)

5 Práctica: Nouns & Articles (Estructura 1.1)
Listening practice- I will put the Cuaderno de Actividades pg. 89 on the SmartBoard. You will need to write your answers on a sheet of notebook paper to turn in at the end of class for points. [Audio tracks: Lesson 01 - Ca 08 Estructura 1-1 Act1 Lesson 01 - Ca 09 Estructura 1-1 Act2 Lesson 01 - Ca 10 Estructura 1-1 Act3] We will go over the correct answers together when everyone is finished. Please correct your own answers (as needed)! Stopped here.

6 Práctica: Subject Pronouns & the verb SER (Estructura 1.3)
Listening practice- I will put the Cuaderno de Actividades pg. 91 on the SmartBoard. You will need to write your answers on a sheet of notebook paper to turn in at the end of class for points. [Audio tracks: Lesson 01 – Ca 16 Estructura Act 1 Lesson 01 – Ca 17 Estructura Act 2 Lesson 01 – Ca 18 Estructura Act 3 We will go over the correct answers together when everyone is finished. Please correct your own answers (as needed)! Stopped here.


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