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Life as a Senate Page By: Seth Toomer.

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Presentation on theme: "Life as a Senate Page By: Seth Toomer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life as a Senate Page By: Seth Toomer

2 School The United States Senate Page School was a rigorous, four-hour school day that tested the brightest of minds, even mine. The courses I took were, Chemistry, Calculus, English Composition, and U.S. History. Each night we would be assigned usually 3-4 hours of homework.

3 Work After school, at about 10:00 a.m. all 30 of us Pages would head to work. Once at work we would set up the Senate Chamber with all the Calendars of Business, and other additional needs. Then, throughout the remainder of the day we would run Bills, Amendments, Resolutions, and Roll-Call Votes around the Capitol, and the Senate's three connecting office buildings.


5 Neat experiences I am not quite sure if this can be classified as a "neat" experience, but it was for sure interesting. The day before President Trump's inauguration, I was walking around D.C., interacting with all of the Trump supporters. Then, in the picture shown a man had left his bag unattended, and the police officer immediately called for backup and evacuated the area. That shows just how precise, and quick the security was at the most secure event in America.

6 Another Neat experience
On Veteran's day I had the opportunity to go to Arlington National Cemetery. On this occasion I visited the tomb of the unknown soldier and heard President Obama speak.



9 Electoral ballots In the previous picture myself and two of my fellow Page classmates carried the electoral ballots, for the official counting in the U.S. House of Representatives.

10 The Page Experience Trying something new is hard. Trust me. We all have to go through things in life, that sometimes aren't easy. But they can be worth it. I recommend to anyone and everyone trying something (beneficial) that is out of their comfort zones, and showing that you can do anything you set your mind to.

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