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Designing a blurb.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing a blurb."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing a blurb

2 N O V E L S 1 2 3 4 6 5 Romeo and Juliet Ten days before the spring
Ice kiss 4 6 5 Twilight The gift of the werewolf A walk to remember

3 Nicholas Sparks The plot:
Landon Carter - the idol of his school: he is beautiful and cruel. And of course, he doesn't notice a simple girl Jaime, thinking only about studying. After another antics Carter forced to play in the school play. He can not do without the help of a modest excellent student. Nicholas Sparks

4 Jamie agrees to help Landon, but only if he promises not to fall in love with her. Arrogant Landon gives his word , but he soon convinced that contain it will be very difficult.

5 Ice kiss The plot: Dasha met with Roma at the cinema, then they meet at the disco. Roma begins to follow Dasha, and then decided to kidnap her and take to the cemetery. He decided to scare her, but quickly regretted it. They begin to correspond via the Internet. Roma starts to care for her, takes her along for the ride, but then they argue, and she becomes a vampire. Roma will help her to get rid of the fangs and the tomb where he sleeps. Irina Molchanova

6 Twilight The plot: Stephenie Meyer
Bella Swan moves to the rainy town of Forks to her father. The first day at a new school Bella sees a strange family. Bella is very concerned with this family, especially Edward. In the first biology lesson she put next to Edward. Bella noticed that he looks at her with hatred. Hardly the bell rings, he runs out of the class, and the next few days does not appear in the school. Appearing, he talks with Bella. The day after he saves her life, hands pushing the van. When Bella tries to figure out how he did it. Stephenie Meyer

7 Bella goes out with friends from school to the La Push , where he meets his friend Jacob. He tells her the old legends of his tribe . Bella is looking for information on the Internet, trying to find out who Edward. Bella realizes that Edward is a vampire. Bella and Edward begin dating.

8 Thank you for your attention
The presentation was prepared by Litvinova Sasha.

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