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Question Breakdown and Analysis

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1 Question Breakdown and Analysis
Higher Prelim 2016 Question Breakdown and Analysis


3 POSITIVES Knowledge is definitely there for most pupils
Detailed and informative answers No specific question that was commonly answered poorly Quality of written work has improved Preparation clear for many

4 COMMON ERRORS Lacking structure – too much waffle!
No reference to a specific sport – words become meaningless Misunderstanding of particular approaches – ensure you revise properly Not knowing where marks lie Misunderstanding the questions – circle specific words Time management – last question…

This is taking our experiences and knowledge that we have and applying it to alternative questions E.g. model performers in emotional (1b) Scenario questions and some others will depend on applied knowledge. Take what you know and apply it to something else. This is what we have done throughout the year. Drawing on specific things that we have done and discussing your experiences.

6 Section 1 24 Marks

7 QUESTION 1(a): Explain why it is important to collect information about the impact of emotional factors on performance before starting a development plan. (4 marks) Explain why it is important…before starting a development plan. 1 mark awarded for each relevant point, or development of a point (impact on performance, knock on effect, examples etc). Your answer may include references to: Identifying strengths and weaknesses in relation to emotional factors Goal / target setting Comparisons before and after training Selecting appropriate development approaches (methods) Any other benefit pertaining to your development plan.

8 (1 mark for development of the point).
EXAMPLE: I need to know which emotional factors impact my performance so that I can identify weaknesses and plan how to improve these (1 mark) so that I can apply relevant approaches to limit their effect in future (1 mark for development of the point).

9 QUESTION 1(b): Evaluate your emotional strengths and development needs in comparison to a model performer. (4 marks) Candidates must make reference to a model performer in their answer. This is a comparison of your performance to theirs. What differences / similarities would you see? 0 marks if no comparison is made. Simply stating your strengths and weaknesses is not answering the question. 2 / 2 split the obvious way to structure your answer, but a 3 / 1 split is acceptable.

10 EXAMPLE: Unlike a model performer, who remains calm, I display anger towards the referee in football when I think he makes a poor decision. (1 mark) This in turn leads me to receiving a caution and puts me under pressure…(1 mark for development of a point) However like a model performer I am able to cope with the fear that performers usually feel when about to dive at the start of a race. (1 mark) This means that I am able to deal with my anxiety and make good decisions…(1 mark for development of a point)

11 QUESTION 2(a): Describe two approaches you used to develop physical factors. (4 marks)
2/2 or 3/1 split acceptable. Key is to describe what you did. No explanation required. Approaches must relate to physical factor. Candidate should describe the significant/specific aspects of each approach. Try not to be vague.

12 EXAMPLE: Continuous training is when you do non-stop exercise for a sustained period of time with no rest (1 mark). In my case I ran around an 400m athletics track for 20 minutes (1 mark). I ensured I stayed in my training zone by using a heart rate monitor and altering my pace accordingly (1 mark)…

13 TASK! List the approaches to development you are confident in describing. Bracket each one under a specific factor. For example: Physical – Distributed drills (gymnastics), Plyometrics (football) Mental – Self Talk(badminton)

14 QUESTION 2(b): Evaluate the impact of both approaches on your performance. (4 marks)
Candidates must make reference to the impact on performance and the approaches in 2(a). 2/2 or 3/1 split again. Examples are essential in this answer. Specify which sport you are talking about to ensure your answer makes sense.

15 EXAMPLE: Fartlek training improved my aerobic endurance, meaning I can stay with my opponent in hockey for an entire game, tracking back to defend and deny my opponent opportunities at goal (1 mark). Opposed/unopposed practices improved the success rate of my centre pass tactic in netball, which meant my team were able to consistently keep possession and create more attacking options (1 mark). Repetition drills increased the fluency/control of my linking movements within my main motif making my performance look more interesting and varied (1 mark).

16 QUESTION 3(a)(i): Describe one method used to monitor the impact of social factors on performance development. (2 marks) DESCRIBE! What? Where? When? With who? How long? Monitoring methods have to be used during you training programme. Examples could be: Training diary Coach/teacher feedback (or other) Questionnaire

17 EXAMPLE: The questionnaire I used had 10 statements based on how well we worked as a group (1 mark). Coach feedback was given during and after the game about whether we communicated effectively (1 mark).

18 QUESTION 3(a)(ii): Describe a different method used to evaluate the impact of social factors on performance development. (2 marks) Same format as previous question but answers must relate to evaluating methods (essentially data collection). Evaluating (as you should know) comes after your training programme is complete. Comparing information is key to this.

19 TASK! List the methods for monitoring and evaluating that you think best answer each category: MONITORING EVALUATING

20 QUESTION 3(b): Explain why you would select these methods. (4 marks)
2/2 or 3/1 split allowed. Answer requires candidates to give reasons why the approaches mentioned in 3(a) were used. Avoid being general and vague – ‘cost effective’, ‘easy to do’ – if stating these, explain why they are beneficial.

21 EXAMPLES: Ease of administration, this allowed me to gather information which I could interpret to allow for future planning. (1 mark) Detailed coach feedback identified strengths and development needs which let me set realistic targets (1 marks). This allowed me to maintain high levels of motivation throughout my development plan (1 mark for development of point). Determine progress, this meant I was able to change and adapt my development plan as my group were getting better at carrying out their roles (1 mark).

22 Section 2 - Scenario 16 Marks
Your answers must make reference to mental factors and one other selected from physical, emotional or social.

23 QUESTION 4(a): Analyse how the responses in the table above could affect this student in an important performance. (8 marks) Candidates must reference MENTAL and at least other factor highlighted in the statements given. How might each factor impact on their performance? Examples are essential here. You must specify a sport when giving an example. One paragraph when referencing a particular statement.

24 EXAMPLES: By never being relaxed before the performance the student may make mistakes right from the start. This would mean for example in volleyball…(1 mark) In gymnastics, when a performer is highly motivated this would result in them working through the challenges of a complex solo performance. (1 mark) When levels of concentration vary skills would be inconsistent. Therefore the performer will not contribute effectively or fulfil the role to pressurise the opposition. (1 mark) In a group activity if decisions are sometimes wrong this can lead to the decision maker feeling isolated within the group. This could result in a reduced involvement in the group performance leading to…(1 mark)

25 QUESTION 4(b): Explain how knowledge of a model performer could assist this student to develop the factors identified in part 4(a). (8 marks) Mental and one other factor mentioned in 4(a) have to be mentioned in order to obtain full marks. Failure to mention a model performance will result in no marks. For each point raised, create a new paragraph. You will not be awarded marks for repeating the same point but in a different context.

26 EXAMPLES: Knowledge of a model performance could be used to: Copy/mimic Compare Inspire/motivate Set performance targets Feedback Assist/help/teach Show/demonstrate By observing how relaxed a model performer is before a performance, this student could attempt to use or copy some of their relaxation techniques to deal with focus attention (1 mark). This would enable the student to shut out distractions and focus on the role they have to carry out right from the very beginning of the performance. (1 mark for development of point) During the performance a model performer would encourage other performers to carry out their role effectively as the game progressed. This would mean that the student could try to motivate and encourage others to develop a positive team ethos. (1 mark).

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